Chapter 2- The last supper

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I was playing with the last scrap of food on my plate procrastinating. Joseph grabbed it off my plate and smirked at me. This was truly going to be my "last supper" before my family killed me or locked me away in a castle guarded by a dragon for a long long time.

"Don't waste food," He scolded. 

"I'm stalling," I hissed back.

"I know," He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and looked at Melvin. He didn't say a single word, no teasing or anything.

In some ways he had matured but in other ways he was still weary from the whole incident. I felt bad he couldn't joke around with Joey and I, but I hoped soon this would blow over and we could go back to the way things were.

"When are you gonna tell them?" Melvin said in a low voice as my older siblings and cousins discussed other things.

"I can't do it, Melvin I can't." I stuttered.

"You're not going to?" He said loudly.

Everyone at the table turned toward us, dead silence at his outburst.

"No I'm not going to check out your rash for you, Melvin you need to see a doctor for that," I blurted.

Joseph burst into laughter and Melvin immediately got up and stormed off outside.

My mother looked at me in concern and I waived her off. Conversation resumed and I got up to go to the kitchen to bring dessert. My mother had bought an entire cake for the occasion.

I felt my stomach twist into knots, I knew I couldn't do this. What was the harm in telling them another less stressful day. There was already so much pressure today and excitement from the arrival of family.

Greg walked into the kitchen after me and I avoided his stare.

"You okay there?" He asked.

"Yeah," I grabbed the paper plates and forks and layed them out on the counter. I could push it a day right?

"Can you hand me the knife?" I asked, continuing to avoid his gaze.

"If you look at me," Greg laughed emotionlessly.

"Hmm?" I could barely concentrate, my thoughts were whirling through my head and I barely caught what Greg said.

"Lydia what's wrong with Melvin?" Greg asked.

"I don't know," I grabbed the knife and started cutting cake. I mindlessly sliced through pieces and accidentally cut my own finger.

"Shit," I hissed.

"Come here idiot," Greg grabbed my hand and dragged me to the sink.

He ran my hand under cold water and ignored my attempts to pull it away.

"It's not a big deal," I whined.

"Joe can cut the rest of the cake, you and me need to talk," Greg nodded Joey over and he continued cutting cake.

Greg bandaged my finger and pulled me aside.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked softly.

"Nothing Greg," I denied.

"Lydia, something is off, and weird, and no one is talking, and I want to know what happened between the time we left for Italy and now," He insisted.

"Fine Greg come out here first," We walked to the backyard where Melvin was pacing angrily.

"Melvin, I'm gonna tell Greg, are you happy," I huffed.

"Almost," He snapped.

"Greg you know I tell you almost everything right?" I began, hoping to soften him up before I laid the final blow.

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