'I didn't need this tonight.'

"Listen Keith, I don't want to talk about it."
Storming away from them and headed straight for the bar on the top floor. I needed the hurt of rejection to stop, because that's how it felt, and decided the best thing would be to get drunk.
I don't normally like to get drunk but tonight I wanted to.
Ordering two double vodkas and lemonade plus two shots of tequila after storming off without my drink.

Downing the shots and having one of my drinks, my mood seemed to lighten up and I started to relax.
"Can I get you one of whatever you drinking?" I heard someone standing next to me ask.
"No thanks, I'm good."
"You look like you could do with another one of those," the stranger pointed to my drink.
"I'm Chad by the way," he introduced himself.
"I saw you downing the shots and drink, whatever it was in your glass, so fast, I thought you could do with another one."
"Oh, what the hell. I'll have a double vodka and lemonade. By the way I'm Lizzy," extending my hand to him.

"Hey, can you get me a castle and one of what the lady is having," he asked the barman.
I don't know were I got the courage to talk to a Chad but I did.
We talked for a while. Me telling him briefly about the situation I found myself in and then we said goodbye to each other as he needed to get back to his friends.

The alcohol started taking over and I felt much more relaxed and brave.
So I pulled out my phone and dialled the last number knowing it was Rheese's number by now.
The phone rang and just before I wanted to press the off button, getting cold feet, Rheese picked up.
"Liz, why the fuck were you talking to that guy?!" hearing an angry Rheese on the other end of the line.

'How the hell did he know who I was speaking too. Anyway it had nothing to do with him.'

For some reason I couldn't answer him and pressed the off button.
I burst out crying as I got up to leave but someone grabbed me by the arm. Trying to shrug the hand off, it spun me around.
"Why the hell are you crying. Did that guy interfere with you? And why didn't you answer my calls when I phoned?" Rheese spoke in angry tone.
Looking up into the blue eyes that haunted my mind, I pulled out of his hold an ran.
I couldn't look at him not now, not after feeling the way I did. Those eyes that left me.

'I couldn't face him not after he walking out on me.'

I needed to get out of here and fast.
Weaving my way threw the crowd I headed straight for the exit.
I got outside and I just breathed in the night air, filling my lungs with it. Trying to make my tears stop from falling I began to wipe it with my hand.
Pulling my cellphone from my pants pocket, I started dialling for a taxi while the tears was still trickling down.
Standing outside the club waiting for the taxi to arrive, I felt two arms circling my waist from behind, turning me around to face him, but I smelled him before he touched me.
"Liz, why are you running from me?" Rheese spoke in a gentle voice and not the angry one from minutes ago.
"Just leave me alone Rheese. What ever you want or wanted to say you should have said to me last night, but you left. So leave me alone god damn it! I...I don't need you!" crying as I spoke to him not able to control my hurt and pain.

He started rubbing my arms lightly with his hands and his touch made shivers run threw my body.
His touch was like a lightning bolt bringing me back to live.
I knew that I needed to get away from him and soon before I betray myself.
Stepping away from his touch and looked up at him, I could see the hurt in his eyes, rejecting his touch but I needed to protect myself from hurting.
"Rheese, just tell me one thing. Why did you leave the way you did?" speaking as the tears started threatening to come again.
"No, no it's not what you think, Liz"
"Then why Rheese!"
But as he wanted to say more the taxi pulled up.
Stepping forward I opened the car door and got in and Rheese followed getting in next to me.
"The Table Bay hotel driver." Rheese spoke giving the driver our destination.
"Rheese what are you doing. I want to go home."
"No, your not going home. We have unfinished business to discuss."

'I didn't understand what he was talking about.'

Arguing with Rheese would accomplish nothing so I just sat next to him without saying a word, looking out the car window.
We drove in silence to the hotel. Getting out of the taxi he took my hand in his and we made our way through the hotel doors.

*** Rheese***

Why did I walk out of her apartment? I should have stayed and spend the night with her, holding her in my arms, but I was starting to feel things for Liz that I never felt with any other woman and it scared me like hell.
I had plenty of women throwing themselves at me but for some reason I wanted Liz, every part of her.

I tried calling her but she didn't answer her cell.
I wanted to tell her how sorry I was for taking her innocence.
I wanted to be in her so badly that I didn't think of her.
I am such a dick.
Selfish that's what I was, always thinking about myself no matter who got hurt in the process.

I haven't seen a lot of Keith since he met Ben, so I gave him a call to ask what he was up too, knowing that Ben will be with him and would be able to know where Liz was.
Keith asked me to join them tonight but I made an excuse. I needed more time to think.
Later in the evening I just couldn't take it anymore and phoned Liz but my calls was rejected.
I called Keith to find out where they were and made my way to the club.
When I arrived I found Keith and Ben but they just told me that they didn't know where Liz was. That she stormed off without saying a word.
I had to find her and explain my behaviour, so I went looking for her.
I finally made my way up the stairs, and from across the room I saw Liz talking to guy, but didn't know what to do, so I just watched her from a distance.
Maybe it was for the best that she found someone else.
But as I was about to leave and let her be, the stranger she was talking to got up and left. Then I saw the tears as she got up to leave and I knew that I couldn't turn my back on her while she was crying.

I was the one to walk out on her and I needed to make things right.
I needed to know if I was the cause of her tears.

She got up and I could see she was in a rush and before she could escape again, I reached for her arm and turned her around to face me but all I saw in her eyes was pain. As she looked at me she pulled away an ran.
It took me a second to realise what happened and then she was gone.
The club was so full it took me a few minutes to get outside.
I stepped outside and saw her crying as she was talking on her cell.
She needed me and I stepped close to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
I needed to comfort her as best as I could and stop being a ass of a man.


He opened the door to his hotel room and waited for me to walk in first. I walked over to the window and looked out over the ocean. The view still took my breath away.
"Liz, can I get you something to drink?"
"No thanks."
"I hope you don't mind me having a drink."
"Not at all. Be my guest. You do what ever you want to in any case. " wanting to sound sarcastic in my reply.
'What am I doing here with him. I was playing with fire but the night we spend together had changed me. Not only physically but also emotionally. This is the man I chose to make me a woman.'

Could It Be Forever (Book 1, Being Edited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin