Chapter 1

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Chris took one last look behind him not thinking twice, he jumped in the cold winter air
leaving everything that once caused him pain behind
I would say that he never ever imagined his life ending this way
But I would be lying.

People screaming horrifically as the blood covered Him
" Doctor , please tell me how is my son , is he getting any better?" Angela ;  Chris's mother spoke to the doctor with watery eyes and shacking voice

" ma'am I need you to calm down so I could explain to you the situation properly" the doctor replied,
She took a deep breath and then removed the tears from her now-pale cheeks using the already damp tissue

" first of all , your son has lost a lot of blood
Thankfully we were lucky to find him enough amount of his blood type here in the hospital
But, his heart was too weak to respond due to the amount of heroine and smokes that your son was taking these past three days
While jumping off the building he landed straight on his stomach which caused his ribs to break that's so lead to the heart not being protected as it should be "

"Oh my god" Angela spoke placing her hands on her mouth in shock
" my baby" she said sadly looking at the floor

She as well , was scared of that day
But she knew it would come sooner or later , although she tried everything she could do , to prevent these dirty thoughts from Chris's mind by signing him to different 'Depression Chat Rooms Therapy'
But that never helped , on the contrary that made it even worse .

Chris wasn't a very happy 23 year old man
Growing up his father used him as a punching bag
John , Chris's father , always told Chris that he was a mistake
Never would have John imagined his life that way
It was too much for him
At 17 he and Angela made a mistake , of course Angela did not think that this was a mistake at all
She loved the baby as soon as she knew she was pregnant
Because then , she was deeply in love with John
But he wasn't , he was just messing around , like any 17 year old guy would do
Angela was 16 at that time

"Angela you need to get rid of that baby , we are not capable of keeping him" he said standing in his living room with a positive pregnancy test in his hand
" no! This is our child John , it's a part of me , it's a part of us
How can you ever think of murdering a soul! Let alone be your own child!?" Angela said tears forming in her eyes
" I will never kill my baby, over my dead body"she said

John tried a couple of time to escape from everything and start a new life in LA
But his parents were totally against that

" Father , please you need to understand , Angela wants the child and I don't I just think that it's way too early to have a baby I need to live my life , I need to attend parties to travel, to dance , to buy my dream car " John said sitting in his father's office explaining to him

" John , how dare you speak like that!? Of course she's not killing my first grandchild
You know how much I've dreamed of this ,Being a grandfather is everything I've ever wanted .
Listen, you are 17 now and soon to be 18 , you're not a baby anymore
You should have thought about all of this before doing what you did!" His father said angrily

" but father.." John tried more

John nodded standing up and heading to the door
" oh and John, don't think about leaving to go to LA
as soon as I hear your leaving the country I will stop talking to you , me and your mother .
and you'll have no money, no cars , nothing , I'll take everything back
We didn't grow a selfish man "

10 months after

When Angela brought Chris to life John's parents fell in love with him
They used to buy him everything he ever needed
toys, music instruments and video games
They even took him once on a vacation to Hawaii with them
Everything was perfect at that time but one day , a horrific car accident led to John's parents death

everything went upside down
John spent about 98% of his father's money on gambling
And the other 2% were spent on drugs and alcohol

As Chris became  17 years old , John used to come home every single day drunk
He would beat Chris until he would faint
I would say he used to hit Angela as well and blame her for not using enough protections
But he beats Chris way too hard every time

One day , at 5AM in the morning the hospital called The house , Affirming them of John death due to overdose

The two of them : of course Angela and her son weren't that sad about it
Chris though that the nightmare was over and he would finally live a happy life but he was very wrong

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