Chapter 1: Spies (Edited, Please Read)

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This is the first chapter and I'm nervous. *breaths in* *breaths out* Okay I feel better. Believe it!!!
Anyways let's go to the story.

Sakura's POV:
Location: Konoha Secret Agency; Medical Spies Bumon

"It's been a while, huh?", I say to the other person on the phone.

"Sakura, how's the paperwork going?", Ino answers back. We hadn't seen or even talked to each other often due to paperwork. With Ino as the leader of the the Undercover Spies Bumon and me in the Medical Spies Bumon we didn't get much of a chance to chit chat.

"A nightmare on my desk, as usual, hehe", it really is. "Hey we haven't seen each other in a while so how about we set up a girls night out?!" Honestly with all the paperwork we needed a break and a girls night out was a perfect way to do so.

"That would be brilliant!", Ino answers back and I can tell she had a glimmer in her eyes as I request this. "I'll see if I'm open. ...." After that she said nothing. I'm guessing she's check her agenda.

"Yup! I'm completely open for tonight!", she answers back. YESS!! "Let's invite someone else if we really want to rest. How about Hinata?", Ino request. Hinata would make it more of a 'girls' night out. Plus the more the merrier!

"Yeah I think Hinata can come if she's not busy of course", I say. Though it feels like someone's missing... hmm.... Oh Yeah, Tenten! "What about Tenten?", I request. I hope she isn't busy.

"I talked to her a while ago and she actually made plans to go and visit Neji's grave so I doubt she'll have time", sadly Ino says. But wasn't done speaking."Hey, if Rule #18 wouldn't exist, and Neji wouldn't have died, do you think Neji and Tenten would be a cute couple, don't you think?", Ino continues.

They were good friends in the past and got along pretty well so I'm sure they would have mad a good couple.

"Yeah I ship it", I mean I never saw them argue so why not.

"OOOH, this is fun" she says and right now I'm confused. Is something going on over there? "Let's keep doing this, so who else in the agency would be a good couple?", she continues.

"Phew, I was getting confused and I thought you were... never mind!", I answer with a light pink color on my cheeks accompanying my sentence.
(A/N: I'll let you imagine what she thought.)

"Uhh... OK. But anyway bring a list of ships to the girls night out, and an OTP", she says. I'm pretty excited about this! It's been while since I've let loose.

"Alright, I'll make sure to tell Hinata about the plans, so yeah!" We're planning on to meet at Ino's house and we'll head to the mall to... I don't know. Ino said something about her 'hobby' but I have no idea what she means.

"Now that everything's set up, I guess I need to finish my paperwork, see you tonight Ino!", I say my goodbyes expecting one from Ino as well but I only got...

"See you tonight Forehead", Ino says back at me. And I got a bit ticked off.

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT INO-PIG!" But before I could protest anymore Ino hung up on me. 

"Well I guess I can only wait until tonight", I say to myself after I put my phone back in my pocket. "But I need to finish paperwork first" I sigh and continue my work.

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