The Note

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Chapter 8
The note said
Dear Nikki
My daughter , I think my life has been long enough god as called my home , I didn't won't to visited you anymore ... But would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to come Visit me once in a while ? I miss you so much .And I was glad when I heard you were coming for the class reunion , But I decided not to go to the class reunion , I decided not to go to the school for you because you said I am an embarrassment for you , I'm so sorry I have one eye
I know you always ask why I have one eye see , When you were little you got in an accident while playing with something that was left outside an I lost your eye , As a mother I could not watch you growing up with one eye it broke my heart to see if I did leave you with one eye so I decided to give you mines , My daughter I was very proud seeing you have both of your eyes , I told my self I was never mad at you for anything , the couple of times that you were mad at me I tell my self because you love me , I miss you so much that I would look at your picture and ask how my grandchildren look, U mean the world to me I forget this Nikki you had a twin brother that die at birth he could make it because he was on machine , Nikki I love you so much and I will watch over you and your husband and children , I am in a peace place with god I don't have no pain an I am happy .
Now I heard that my world shattered to hear what my mother done for me and I did treated her with no respected .
That was the first time in my life I cry for my mother it broke my heart now I heard what my mother have done for me all this years of my life .
And I have treated her like trashed I wish I could tell my mother how sorry I am.
From this day on I will treated my mother in law an other with respect , I don't won't my girls to grow up doing the same thing to me
Find about what happened to her about what she just find out what will you think she would do .

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