Chapter 20:

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One Month Later...

Katerina was waking up she rolled over till she was against caius chest. Since their first night together she had barely left his room. Caius wrapped his arm around her waist as she curled up. She was about to fall back to sleep when her stomach turned violently she bolted for the bathroom and vomited into the toilet. Caius walked in behind her. Love are you okay. He asked he rubbed her back as she continued to vomit. The coolness of his skin calmed her. A few seconds later the nausea passed. I'm okay must of been something I ate she replied as she stood up and brushed her teeth. She turned around to have caius press his hand against her forehead. Caius I'm fine there's no need to worry she said as she removed his hand now if you don't mind I'm going back to bed I'm exhausted she got back under the covers of their bed she fell back to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Caius was worried so he made sure she was comfortable. Then went and started to work thinking maybe she just needed to sleep it off.
Caius was so engrossed with his work he did notice that a whole day had passed and that Katerina was still sleeping peacefully under his covers. It was not until he had looked up at his clock and saw that it said the 24th instead of the 23rd. He immediately turned his head towards the bed and shot up from his seat when he saw Katerina still sleeping on the same position she had fallen asleep in. He shook her to try and wake her. Kat wake up. He said as he shook her gently. He began to freak out when she didn't wake up. He checked her pulse it was still beating strong. He listened closer when it sounded like there was an echo coming from her heartbeat. He had heard of humans having something called a heart murmur. He then felt her forehead again. Her head was scorching hot. He quickly got a bowl of water and a cloth which he wet then laid across her forehead. He kissed her forehead I will be right back my love. He said then left to get Marcus.

Marcus was sitting in the throne room with Aro when caius barged in. Marcus Katerina is sick. Caius said Marcus stood up quickly. What do you mean she's sick she was perfectly fine two days ago. Marcus asked Caiys relayed everything that happened the past day. We need to get Carlisle here as soon as possible. Marcus said then left quickly to go check on Katerina himself with Caius following close behind. Aro called Carlisle so he could come check on Katerina.

Marcus entered Caius room and went to Katerina's side. She was still sleeping peacefully. Marcus removed the cloth and felt her forehead it was just as Caius said. He got another cloth and lightly laid it across her forehead. He then laid down beside her and held her in his arms. Aro walked in. I have called Carlisle and he should be here tonight. Aro announced thank you brother Caius replied and sat down beside the bed and held her hand. 

A few hours later katerina began to stir Marcus sat up and watched as she opened her eyes. She smiled hello my love she said as she stretched the cloth fell from her forehead. She frowned why is there a cloth on my head she asked. My love you have been sleeping for almost two days. Her eyes widened really the last thing I remember is... she suddenly got up and ran to the bathroom and started to vomit again into the toilet again. Marcus pressed his hand against her bare back she was still hot to the touch. That's when he heard it the faint echoed heartbeats. He let her finish then helped her back to the bed. Why do I feel like shit so much. She asked as she fell back to sleep. Marcus curiosity got the better of him. He lifted her shirt slightly and placed his hand against her slightly swollen stomach. He was shocked to feel two tiny heartbeats. He smiled and leaned over a kissed her stomach. Caius watched the whole thing Unfold in front of his eyes. Is she pregnant caius asked in a shaky voice. Yes she is. Come feel there is two heartbeats. Marcus said softly. Caiys walked over and placed his hand on her. He startled a little am when he felt them then smiled as he kept his hand beside Marcus hand. We are going to be father's.caius couldn't believe it. He was happy and scared at the same time. He only knew of the Cullen pet having a child and of the other half breed but both their mothers did and they were single children. Marcus we can't let her die. We both won't survive if she does. Caius said Marcus looked back at him I know we will start her on a diet of blood. Maybe that will give her better chances. The Cullen girl only died because she wasn't strong. They hadn't given her blood until her last week. Marcus replied. Caius was going to say something else but didn't want to ruin the happy atmosphere with anymore negativity.

Carlisle arrived that night and was escorted to caius room. Carlisle looked around the room it was dark only light was coming from a candle next to the bed. Typical caius fashion. But what caught his attention was the young woman laying in the middle of his bed with caius and Marcus on either side of her. They looked protective lions. It was then he heard it three heartbeats one was a strong adult while the other two were fast paced and tiny like a murmur. This human woman was pregnant. By his guess it was either Marcus or caius. He looked at Aro. Not a word Carlisle this doesn't leave the castle. Aro said. He nodded in agreement. Have you started her on blood. Carlisle asked. Not yet she has been sleeping for the past three days she only woke up once to vomit then went right back to sleep. I have had alec and Jane sent to the local blood bank to get a months supply. Aro replied good she will need alot to survive this. Carlisle said

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