Chapter 13: Painting Gods & Angels

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Katerina woke up early and got dressed in a Marilyn Manson T shirt, flare jeans and black converse sneakers. she threw her hair up in a messy bun and put on her necklace and slipped it underneath her shirt. There was a knock on the door a few moments later. come in she yelled as she put on her black hoodie. hello miss i am your appointed guard while you are here i have brought you some breakfast. my name is Jane you met my brother Alec yesterday. she said as she placed the tray down. Yes I did and thank you for the food. Would you like some Katerina asked. No thank you I already ate. Jane replied oh okay she began to eat when your done I will bring you to the masters. When you have finished. Jane said okay Katerina replied she finished her eggs and bacon then glupped down her orange juice. Okay I'm ready. She said as she stood up and zipped up her hoodie. OK right this way miss. Jane led her up a spiral of stairs with led a door she opened the door and let Katerina walk in first. Katerina was met with the most beautiful studio there was hundreds of canvases and a everything a painter would need. In the middle was a platform Luke they had in colleges for the models to stand at. On the other side was a closet full of outfits and a changing room. This is your studio the masters will be here shortly feel free to look around. Jane said as she posted herself at the door. Soon a few minutes later the door opened and Aro walked in with caius and Marcus. Good morning miss Robertson. Aro said good morning she replied is your room to your liking Marcus asked she turned to him yes it is perfect thank you she replied she looked at him and caius she felt drawn to them for some reason. She couldn't understand why when she had just met them. If you would like to position yourselves at the podium then I can get started on your portrait. She said as she took out a canvas and supplies. Aro sat on the middle chair with Marcus on his left and caius on his right. They were dressed in armani suits with red vests and black dress shirt. A gold chain ran around their necks and under their shirts. Katerina began to outline their forms. Everytime she looked up her eyes always stayed a little longer on either caius or Marcus. So Kat where are you from originally? Aro asked I grew up in Seattle Washington in America. She replied Really we know a family that's lives in the town of Forks. He said. Really that's interesting. She replied. Do you have family living there? Marcus asked. No I don't. My parents gave me up when I was a baby. They dropped me off at a random couples house and the couple took me in and raised me as their own until they died in a car accident on my birthday. All I have of my parents is a picture and a little note saying they were sorry they had to give me up. I tried to find them when I was eighteen but couldn't find anything on them. It was as if they were not alive. So I gave up on finding them. I don't think I would know what to say or do if I ever did find them.she replied. She had finished the outline and began to fill it in. I'm sorry for your loss. Marcus replied yes well I moved on. It must be nice having such a large family that lives and adores you. She replied. Yes it has its perks caius said smiling a bit. It was the first time she had heard him speak. She stopped and looked at him. What's wrong dear. Aro asked noticing she had stopped it's nothing it's just have we met before she asked caius maybe in passing I have met slot of people in my years but I believe I would remember meeting a woman as beautiful as you. He replied she blushed I see possibly. She replied. The hours rolled by in silence she could hear them speaking to each other but couldn't hear what they were saying. She finally started on the details of their faces. She focused on Marcus first she noticed all their eyes were a maroon color if that was even possible. Then his long straight nose. His lips seemed to have a ghost of a smile that was barely there. He reminded her of the old paintings of the Roman god Apollo she made sure to capture every chiseled feature of his face. she smiled to herself when she finished him. she moved on to Aro. He was quite the contrast to Marcus's God like features. Aro was Hades in living form. His straight jet black hair framed his face. His eyes looked as if they were staring right into your soul. She finished aro then finally moved onto Caius. The fallen angel if she ever saw one. His platinum blonde hair had a halo that shone off in the light. He was beautiful. all three of them were but Marcus and caius were more so than Aro she thought to herself. She put the finishing touches then put her paintbrush down. There all finished would you like to see it? she asked Yes dear we would love to. Aro said as they stood up and walked over. My dear Kat it is simply marvelous. You have captured all our features in perfect detail. i knew you were the right person for the job. Aro praised. Thank you Sir. she replied oh my dear please call me Aro and you may call all of us by our first names. since you will be staying here for awhile its only right. okay Aro she replied would you liked to relax for the rest of the day. your hand must be tired. Aro asked. yes i would like that very much thank you. she replied If you would like i could show you where the library is? Marcus asked her face lit up i would love to see the library she replied then come with me my dear. Marcus replied as he held out his arm. she blushed at his chivalry and slid her arm in his. would it be okay if i join you brother? Caius asked Of coarse brother we would enjoy your company as well. Marcus replied as they walked out of the studio.

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