Chapter 8: College and The Party

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Katerina arrived at the college dorm early in the morning. She unpacked her stuff. An hour later a young girl came in and a guy hello I'm Sarah and this is my brother Liam we are going to be roommates she said excitedly Katerina smiled it's nice to meet you I'm Katerina so what are you here for I'm doing fashion design and Liam is here for interior design. Sarah asked I'm here for painting I paint neoclassicism style. Katerina replied oh that's cool can I see some of your painting sometime Sarah asked sure she got out of her portfolio. I love this garden painting where is this place Liam asked I don't know it was in my dreams so I painted it. It's beautiful. He said thank you she replied.

Two months passed quickly they had become good friends Sarah was like a sister she never had very girly but also down to earth. Liam was sweet like an older brother always there to listen when she was having a bad day. Katerina was in the room painting a picture of the platinum blonde man from her dreams and locket. Everyday she tried to find out more but was in successful. Everything turned into a dead end it's as if the Volturi family had completely disappeared. Maybe they were dead and had given her up. She kept the locket on everyday. Sarah and Liam had asked her about it and she had told them her story. Surprisingly they didn't think she was crazy and even tried to help research the family. Liam was on the other side of the room working on an interior design for a living room. It was quiet for they were both hard at work and in deep concentration. They both slightly jumped when the door flew open. Oh my god Liam, Kat I just been invited to a masquerade ball. It's in Volterra at the castle. They are really hard to get into but I just got an invite and I can bring two guest with me. There is a theme of Victorian masquerade it's on Halloween night. Don't worry about buying a dress I will make one for you Kat and Liam I'll make and outfit for you as well. Sarah said excitedly wish calm down Sarah explain to us calmly what party. Liam said OK she sat down and explained everything. Oh wow isn't that some royal family that lives there Liam asked yeah there are three brothers one is married but the other two are single I heard the blonde one picks a girl to spend the night with. But that's only here say. Sarah said Katerina rolled her eyes only you Sarah I will only go if I get to design my own dress Katerina said okay Kat I think I'll go with a peacock theme dress and mask. I have it all drawn up already see she showed it. That's so gorgeous Sarah Liam said I think I'll will go as the phantom of the opera the red masque version. He replied I'll surprise you guys you won't know until the day of the party.

Two weeks later Katerina was outing on the final touches of her dark purple Victorian style dress she bought a silver mask to go with it. She was happy with the outcome. Sarah came in with her dress and mask. Time to get ready Katerina helped her into her dress and did her hair. Then Sarah helped her with hers oh my god Kat this dress is beautiful. And the mask goes perfectly she gushed as she did her hair. They finished their make up just as Liam knocked on the door hello my beautiful ladies I am honored to have you as my dates tonight. Now let's go have some fun they left the dorms and got in their limo. They arrived an hour later it looked as if the entire city had been invited there was celebrities and important businessman and politicians also many of their college mates. They got to the end of the line Sarah handed their invitations and they were in the party they made their way to the ballroom Katerina was looking at the paintings on the wall. All were in neoclassicalism style. She wasn't paying attention to were she was walking and bumped into a young girl with a black dress and blonde hair and a boy who looked just like her watch where you are walking hu..girl she said rudely oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was admiring all the paintings they are beautiful. Katerina replied Jane be nice to the guest you know master Aro wouldn't want you to cause a seen before the end of the night. Excuse us miss. The boy said and bowed his head they walked away down the hall Katerina come on the ballroom is simply amazing Sarah said as she dragged he towards the ballroom. As always Sarah was right the ballroom was extravagant and elegant. There was classical music playing and couples dancing on the floor Liam took her hand may I have this dance milady he asked all proper like why of coarse she replied smiling they were dancing for two songs when the music ended and the main doors open. Make way for their highnesses Aro Marcus and caius Volturi.The dance floor split in two to make room for the three brothers Katerina was trying to see them but couldn't not until they had walked up to their seats at the front did she get to see them. She gasped at the sight before her.

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