No Failures

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David, Mary M., Regina, Zelena, Emma, and Hook were all at Granny's dinner that evening. Henry was on a date with Violet that evening. They all just gotten back from going into New York. Their magic was saved, and there wasn't anymore crisis, for now.

The six of them were sitting all on one table. They were all smiling, having a great time with each other. There was some burst of laughter from all of them. Emma and Killian were sitting side by side with each other, Zelena, Regina, Mary Margaret and David across from them two. They were all eating their grill cheese sandwiches or cheeseburgers that was on their plates. Having an amazing dinner with friends and family.

The doorbell rings right beside of them. A woman, along with her two small children, walks into the dinner, straight into a booth. The two children sits with their backs facing the group, the mother facing the group. After a waitress comes and orders the food, that's when the woman hears laughter in front of her.

"Mommy why does a man have a hook in his hand?" Her daughter asks her, looking at the group as well.

The woman looks at Killian closely. The hook, the black leather, the hair. She goes into shock. She knows who he is. She knows what he has done to her and her family. She felt her blood boiling inside of her, but she never one time show it to her kids.

"I'll be right back. Stay right here." She orders her kids softly as she gets up from the booth. Her son and her daughter put their knees onto the seat, looking on as to see what the mother was going to do.

The woman got onto the table where the heroes were. David looks at her immediately and gives her a warm smile. "Hello, ma'am, what can I do for you?" He asks her.

The woman didn't do anything. She sees a waitress passing by her with a large cup of drink on her tray. The woman grabs it from the tray and throws the drink towards Killian's face. Killian gets up, immediately wiping the drink off of his face.

Emma immediately stands up, looking at the woman in anger. "What the hell? What was that for?"

"This man ruin my life!" The woman screams out at her.

Everyone in the diner stop eating or talking and looks at the action coming from the heroes and the woman.

Regina, Mary M., David, and Zelena all sat up on their seats, looking on with the three of them. Some had confusion. Some we're ready to get either Emma or the woman jump on each other. The two children look on in shock.

Emma looks at the woman in confusion, but also anger in her tone. She immediately stands by Killian side, seeing him blinking away the drink that landed in his eyes. "When?" She asks the woman.

"Not too long ago. Like a month ago before you and your pity heroes decided to go to the underworld and save his sorry ass." The woman saids, anger still in her tone.

Emma glares daggers at the woman. She is so close to slap the woman straight to her face. Instead of slapping her, she shoves her hard, making her fall on the ground.

"Mommy!" The daughter screams out in horror.

"Emma stop!" David yells, grabbing Emma's forearm from behind, so she wouldn't do anymore.

The woman immediately gets up from her fall and turns back, looking at her two children. "It's okay, your mommy is fine." She saids softly, with a smile on her face. The two children nods their head, but still looks on in horror.

She turns her head, her look quickly change from soft to anger. Emma's look was still the same ever since this whole thing started. She walks closer to her, only a couple inches from her face.

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