Missing Her

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Okay this one-shot right here I wrote a long time ago, which was like in November of last year and I have completely forgot about it til now. So...two one shots in one day! I know you guys love that. So here you go!

Have you ever think why would this person you loved so much died right in front of your eyes and then all the sudden you miss that person so much you just want to be alone?

Killian had the same thought during one normal day.

Killian woke up from a nightmare he was having. He was sweating and was in tears. Killian had this same nightmare almost all the time and this time, this nightmare was killing him. What was his nightmare about?

His first love, Milah being killed by Rumpelstiltskin. Right in front of him.

Killian didn't like that day. Not one bit. And it was killing him. Every time he would think about that day, it would ruined his day. His whole entire day. And he tried not to make it any worse as it was. Sometimes it would get better but it would get worse. So what did Killian do all day to make his day better?

Well let's see, Killian went to Granny's and ate lunch all by himself, took a walk around Storybrooke, trying to get fresh air, went back to his apartment and was getting ready to go to dinner with his girlfriend, Emma Swan.

Emma Swan actually helped Killian not to get revenge on Rumpelstiltskin and it worked. Killian and Emma been on adventures before together and their friendship grew. After a bunch of kisses between the two, Emma and Killian went out on their first date and it was good, besides Will Scarlet running over Emma, making wine spill all over her dress, and Killian's 'new' hand making him go little crazy, the date was ok. Emma and Killian haven't went on another date ever since then, but the two still are close.

Killian went to Emma's new apartment and the two went on to Granny's. When Emma and Killian got there, the two order the same thing. Hamburger with hot chocolate with cinnamon. Emma and Killian was talking about random stuff they could bring up while waiting for their food and hot chocolate. Ruby, their waiter and Emma's close friend, brought their food and they started eating their food.

"Emma have I ever tell you that you look beautiful?" Killian asked with that usual smirk Emma loves about him.

Emma smiles at him and laughs, "Yes Killian. You have a lot."

Killian laughs at this and ate a bite of his hamburger. While he was doing that Emma wanted to asked Killian a question that was in her mind all day.

Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Henry, Ruby and everybody else asked Emma about Killian today. Most people told her that Killian was so quiet than usual and was ignoring people. Emma knew something is bothering Killian and she wants to know what's bothering Killian?

"Hey Killian?" Emma called his name, trying to get his attention which of course she did.

"Yes love?" Killian asked her, looking at her.

Emma looks at Killian's ocean blue eyes for a moment. "Killian. Are you okay?" She asked him.

Killian raise his eyebrows and answers the question. "Yes. Why would you say that?"

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