Prologυe// Тнeιr aвυѕed Lιттle ѕιѕтer.

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Warning - Slight gore and abuse in this chapter.

Prologυe// Тнeιr aвυѕed Lιттle ѕιѕтer.

нoтarυ ĸυran, age ғιve.

Another blow was delivered to the petite figure beneath Juuri Kuran's feet as she continued to beat and abuse her eldest daughter, Hotaru.

"You demon!" The so-called-mother yelled from above as she kicked her once more before leaving the room that was more the size of the cupboard.

Ever since Hotaru could remember, she was continuously abused by her parents and twin brother as she had never known why. She often looked at her appearance in the mirror and believed all of the disgusting words to be true as she was the outcast of the family, looking and acting more like her cousin who she would rarely see.

Some nights, Hotaru would sneak out of the cave that she refused to call home and into the woods around the back of her mother and fathers home where she would meet her cousin who she classed more of a brother than Kaname could ever be.

Their appearances looked similar with their icy blue eyes matching and pale faces looking identical, although Hotaru had long, flowing red hair that others envied. In personality, the cousins were just as similar as they'd often sit under one of the trees in a comfortable silence as they both looked and acted like dolls.

Her thoughts had often traveled to living with the blue eyed boy instead of her brother but she'd be easily found and she was too scared due to Senri's mother having many mental problems although she was slowly starting to go insane herself while living in their home.

A loud slam had interrupted her thoughts as Juuri left the room with a bang of the door while Hotaru Kuran laid emotionless on the dusty wooden floor, moonlight slowly peaking through the window which made the small room more eerie.

Slowly lifting her body off the floor as she used the wall to allow her to walk to the small cobwebbed window that she could just see out of when standing on her tip-toes.

The room she slept in was a small old room where servants would normally stay. The wallpaper was slowly peeling off as it use to be a vibrant green with beautiful yellow flowers, it was now moldy and old as it slowly fell off the wall on its own. You could see the faint color of an off white paint behind the wallpaper that was also a little chipped itself while the floor was a dark wood that hadn't been cleaned in years as it no longer looked naturally dirty.

Hoisting herself onto the windowsill as she looked out and towards the woods where she'd often meet her cousin. Hotaru suddenly frowned when she noticed a shadowy figure with similar eyes to her cousins and her own. One eye was the same icy blue while the other was a swirling pool of maroon red. The figure seemed to taunt her, smirking, as if daring her to meet him in there.

Hotaru refused to accept the taunting, refused to challenge herself, as she slowly climbed off the window again before attempting to curl herself in the few blankets on the floor. They were more like dirty rags as she attempted to keep herself warm, frowning at the now cool breeze that came from the window. She had frowned once more as she was to scared to turn around as she was to small and was yet to figure out how to open the window but she took a daring move.

Slowly turning around as she attempted to scream as the same red and blue eyes glared at her but the obvious man simply covered her mouth, muffling the noises she attempted to make.

Waking up with a start as she watched her surroundings from the so-called bed as she was to terrified to look towards the window especially because of the breeze she could feel that chilled her spine once again.

Becoming tired of her fear as she turned towards the window, noticing it wide open.


нoтarυ ĸυran, age ғoυrтeen.

Frowning use to be a regular expression to Hotaru but now her face stayed blank as she walked around the large house cleaning, sometimes running into Juuri, Haruka or Kaname but never their new and loved child, Yuki.

Her legs felt tired as she wandered, still going over the same escape plan she created nine years ago to see wether it would be stable today. The Kurans were supposed to be going to a ball today but Juuri would stay home to look after Yuki as they kept the precious child free from the dangerous world.

Sighing slightly as Hotaru scrubbed the kitchen floor while she thought about the outside and what it was like. If she ever managed to escape, she'd be able to visit Senri who she hadn't seen in ten years as she'd become too afraid to enter the woods after seeing the terrifying colours of red and blue eyes. Hotaru most likely couldn't face her cousin again as he had similar eyes to the mans blue ones which was horrifying as she felt like she'd be scared of her cousin if she saw him again, scared of herself had she looked in the mirror at her reflection.

"Ugh, move filth." She heard a woman's voice as she was thrown to the floor, wincing internally at the pain in her hip while she simply stood with an emotionless face on the outside.

"Sorry, Lady Kuran." Hotaru replied to Juuri's insult as she no longer called her 'Мoтнer'.

She simply ignored her as she walked off once again with a huff as she headed towards the windowless basement. Hotaru had been in there a few times as punishment when she was younger as she hated rooms with no windows even if they were big or small. Her best guess being that it was now Yuki's room as she hadn't been kept in their since she was born and was ignored instead.


Тнree Weeĸѕ Aғтer.

Banging and screams were heard outside the house as the fight for their real child began while I simply grabbed my bags and but on the small pair of tattered slippers Senri had given me years ago and slowly left the room I had lived in as I slowly wandered the halls until I found the front door that was slightly ajar. Opening it wide before breathing in the cold air and walking out, around the right to avoid the fight in front of me.

There stood the man with two different coloured eyes that I'd seen once when I was four, he was fighting against Haruka Kuran and Kaname Kuran as Haruka was slowly starting to die off.

Smirking as they paid no attention to me while I watched my 'Ғarтнer', simply shrugging before wandering off, my rickety bag in hand.


I'd been travelling for a while now as I'd often pass many monuments I'd sneakily read about as well as families that actually cherished each other.

Now I was lost, in the middle of a snowy town with no one around as it had slowly become late as I frowned a little, trying to find a place to stay. The buildings looked old as most were boarded up and others had broken windows with the inside trashed.

"You smell, delicious." A voice spoke behind me as I was quick to spin around and see an old man who's face almost looked a dark grey with edgy brown hair and soulless deep red eyes. Spotting the obvious fangs that hung from the scary mans mouth as I knew this was the lowest vampire, a Level E.

I'd read about the creatures once after sneaking a book from the library and into my room as it had quoted what vampires existed as well as their definition.

Level E - End; vaмpιreѕ тнaт were once нυмan вυт вιттen вy a pυreвlood тнaт нave ѕυccυмвed тo тнeιr naтυral ιnѕтιncтѕ.

Almost screaming as the vampires walked closer while I was mesmerised by the things red eyes that seemed to bore into my soul. Suddenly, the thing had burst into dust before me as a man with white hair and golden eyes offered me a pale hand to take me away from the madness.

"Hello Hun, are you lost? My names Karlheinz."

Тнeιr aвυѕed Lιттle ѕιѕтer.                (Vampire Knight>Diabolik Lovers). Where stories live. Discover now