Chapter Five

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I looked up at the demon through half-lidded eyes, my breathing heavy from what happened moments ago. He slowly removed the dildo- which was no longer vibrating- from me, his hand rubbed my thigh lightly as he did it. When it was gone I relaxed into the mattress, a soft sigh left me.

"The next time I have to punish you I won't go so easy on you," Vic stated, voice oddly soft. I wondered how that could be.

"Okay." I murmur, a bit surprised by how rough my voice sounded. I looked around the room, then back up at Vic. "Can I clean up, maybe a bubble bath..." I trailed off, unsure of my suggestion.

"Sure thing, darling." His hand removed itself from my thigh. I felt the bindings on my wrist and ankles loosen and then disappear. My collar was the only thing that remained on for the moment.

The demon helped me stand, letting go of me once I had my balance. He led me to the bathroom, which I had surprisingly never been in. The scheme of it was very different from the bedroom, but only because there was a lack of red. The bathroom was more focused on golds and creamy whites. There were two sinks against the wall, with a mirror above them, on the opposite wall there was a toilet. This was where Vic sat me down at so he could run the water in the tub.

The large tub was located in the corner of the room, in the other corner was the shower. I let my gaze focus on Vic. I watched as he bent over and turned the water on and began filling the tub with water. Shortly after he placed bubble bath soap into the water, which began bubbling the second he added it.

After the water filled a little over three-fourths of the tub Vic turned the water off and motioned for me to come towards him. I did. I didn't have the energy to disobey him. I also wanted to get clean, maybe soak in the bath if he'd let me. I was reminded of what we did because of the pain that was setting in, which ran up my spine and flared in my ass. I made a slight sound of discomfort but sucked it up and walked towards him.

Vic helped me into the tub, which I eased down into. Before I got my chest under the water Vic stopped me. 

"What?" I asked curiously, looking up at him with furrowed eyebrows. 

Instead of answering me he reached for my neck and undid my collar. It slipped off of my neck and he set it down on the counter. 

"Oh." I murmured softly, blushing. 

"Remember, you have to take your collar off when you're bathing or showering." He reminded me lightly. It was strange to hear him speak so softly.

He came next to the tub and sat down on the edge. I sank down further into the bubbles, sighing heavily when I was fully relaxed in the bath. The foam and bubbles covered my body, and the warm water stopped just below my chin.

"This is nice." I hummed softly, then looked up at Vic. I open my mouth to ask a question, but close it when I noticed his expression. He looked annoyed and I wondered if I did something to bother him. 

"I have to leave for something. I'll be back. Make sure you put your collar back on when you're done." Vic said suddenly. Before I could make any objections he left. I was surprised by his sudden departure, but I couldn't question it. 

The lack of Vic's presence allowed me to think. I wondered what exactly would come of me. Would Vic just keep me as his little sex toy for as long as he wanted? What would happen if he got rid of me? Where would I go to in Hell when he was finished using me? Could he even get rid of me because of that deal? Those thoughts made me frown and filled me with worry. I really screwed up when I slept with Vic. 

Sure, the sex was alright. Okay- so maybe the sex was more than alright. But wouldn't he get tired of having sex with the same person? I wasn't the most interesting person. Sure I had a decent body but my features were too innocent and plain. He would surely grow tired of that. Right?

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