Chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V.

I pull on Niall's hand the whole way to our new apartment. It's in the same complex as the other guys, but it's on a high floor. When we reach the apartment door, I can barely contain my excitement. I push the key into the lock and the door swings open. I'm so excited for Niall to see it for the first time.

Niall steps in behind me and I can hear him gasp. The apartment has a very home like feel. With it's simple furniture and it's wood floors. I smile and pull his hand down a small hallway, towards our bedrooms.

"I picked this room out for you."

He opens the door and I can see his smile from back here. I knew he was going to like it. All white walls with black bed covers. It sound really simple, but I have plans for it.

"I was thinking we could splatter some paint on the walls."

He turns around and all the sudden I have a face full of blonde hair.

"I love it here! Hell yeah I want to splatter these walls!"

I smile, this is the start of something new.

3 days later:

Niall and I were officially moved in as of 48 hours ago. I can tell that living in this new apartment and being here for Niall, is going to help him. I don't know how, I just know. I've already bought the new paint so we can splatter Niall's walls. I can tell he's excited for that. He's been asking me every since I told him about it. I'm just glad he's finally happy for the time being.

The last three days have been normal. Well, as normal as it can get around here. Niall has a doctors appointment tomorrow morning, which means he will be upset all day. But I plan on fixing that with letting him paint when we get home.

I really didn't know what colors to buy for his room. But, won't happy and bright colors make him, happy and bright again? Obviously, paint can't fix him in a manner of hours. But it might help him to sleep in a room that's happy feeling. So I decided to buy blue, orange, green, and purple. Not the best combination of colors, but it works.

Living with Niall on our own these last few days, has made me realize that I wouldn't mind if it was like this for the rest of forever. I like that when I get up in the morning, I can hear Niall's snores from across the hall. I like that we can have our meals together. I like how we leave to go places together. Not like before when it was all five of us. I knew when I met Niall that I cared for him in a special way. But, I thought of it as brotherly. Not in a boyfriend kind of way. Would I want Niall to be my boyfriend?

My sudden question has me thinking. Would I want to be in a relationship with Niall?

Niall's P.O.V.

Living in this new apartment is so much nicer than before. It's just me and Harry. I'm not ashamed to say I like it more this way. I'm not lying when I say that I'm really excited to paint my room. I don't know why. I'm just so glad to finally have something to do with myself.

I hear some clanking from down the hall so I get up and rush toward the noise. When I walk inside my room I see Harry trying to open a third paint can. I can't help but give a, very manly, giggle. I sit down on my bed and watch as he continues to struggle with the paint can. When he finally gets it open, he turns around and smiles at me. His smile is something that can change my mood in a second.

"Go change into old clothes, I don't want you ruining anything."

I look down at what I'm wearing, a plain white shirt and gym shorts.

"Uh, is this okay?"

"Oh, I didn't realize that you already had old ones on."

I give him a small smile and stand up from my bed. I walk over to the paint cans and sit in front of them. The colors that Harry chose are so pretty. I look down into the blue paint and I give myself an idea. I dip my hand into the very blue paint and look at Harry. His back is turned to me as he pulls his shirt off to change. Perfect.

Authors Note:

This wasn't as long as I was hoping it would be. I also feel that it's kind of all over the place. Feed back would be really helpful. Where do you want the story to go? What do you want to happen between Harry and Niall?

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