There Again

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"New trainer?" I turned to the voice. It was deep, deeper than Calem's, but condescending nonetheless. I saw a boy, maybe a year older than me. So, seventeen or eighteen, maybe. His skin was darker, with neatly placed chocolate hair, and daring blue eyes. He was handsome, but his entertained smirk set this whole thing off.

"Yeah..." I shed a small smile. "How'd you know?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"I saw your battle on the grounds. Tch, weak, both of you." Glaceon growled, my smile faded, and I had to stop myself from punching him. "Are you going for the Kalos League?" I slowly nodded, gritting my teeth. "Give up, already. There's no point in trying." His arms crossed.

"Excuse me?"

"Your strategy's off, neither of you looked clear enough, so your Pokémon were extremely unsure, and that boy? He was so focused in something else, he barely knew what he was doing." He paused, and grabbed my chin, and squeezed the skin of my cheeks, shaking my head back and forth. "But you're cute, I'll have to admit. Maybe you should be a performer." He smirked, and I pushed his wrist away. But as soon as I did, I was stuck in the despair of my dreams.


I walked into a room, the doors slamming behind me, giving no further indication of light. I couldn't see anything.

It felt hard to breathe, like a duty instead of a subconscious habit. I took a sharp inhale, and immediately felt arms wrap around me in the darkness. They picked me up, restraining me from any form of movement. Of course, I couldn't see. But there must have been at least three of them, as they restricted all feeling in my arms.

"What is this?!" I screamed, and felt what must have been tape wrap around my mouth. Some sort of spray liquid was put under my nose with no warning, and because of that, my eyes sagged shut. I fell deeply unconscious.


I felt a shiver rush through my spine as I felt this boy's cold gaze on me, yet again. What had that been, just now?

"E-Excuse me?" I stuttered.

"I mean, no one's stopping you from doing what you want to," he said, obviously teasing in a baby voice, "except your Glaceon's power. And the toughness of the trainer." He paused. And smirked. "Oh yeah... I guess that would be stopping you..."

I almost charged at him, but his arm held me back. Let me just bring back the subject that he was 8 inches TALLER THAN ME.

"Maybe I'll see you at the Kalos League..." he stated.

"I'll be there!" I yelled. My future had already been decided. Glaceon and I had made a pact. We were going to make it to the Kalos League.

"Yeah, in five years." I SWEAR I AM GOING TO KILL THIS BOY. "What's your name?"

"Logan." I broke.



"Catch you later... Slogan."

"Really? That's the best one you could come up with? Battle me if you're so tough!" But by that time, he was already gone.

Glaceon growled what seemed of anger. I smiled at him softly. "Woah, slow down, he's just a punk." And then, Glaceon released all signs of former tenseness. Come on, what were the chances of actually seeing him again? Kalos is a huge region.

Both Glaceon and I inhaled, sharply. This was going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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