A Fresh Start

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Okay, I'll admit. I was nervous.

I mean, who wouldn't be after moving to a new town, meeting a cute guy who wants to 'kidnap' you, and being forced to go through a giant town gate to most likely find out that two kids from a foreign region have punked you?

I tried to convince myself that it was a prank, getting me all hopeful just to see me cry over making absolutely no friends and not really going on a journey.

If that's what's happening right now, these people were sick.

I left the comfort of my new home in Vaniville just for a prank. Oh well, might as well just go, to get out of my house.

I ran as fast as I could through Vaniville Gate. Saying to myself, "If it's a prank, then let's just get this over with!"


And Aquacorde was beautiful for being historic. I walked in and saw everything made of sandy colored bricks. Everything was tidy and cozy, with cafés, outdoor seating, and at the end of the town there was a beautiful high river hitting the sandy bricks and black stone fencing.

Suddenly, I heard Shauna's childish voice hit me from the left. It yelled, "Ooh! Logan! Come over here, we need to introduce you!"

At that point I was convinced that I really was getting a Pokémon. But still, I couldn't believe it was me!

They weren't alone. They were with two other boys, sitting at a bigger outdoor table. I walked over, and sat next to Calem, and color rose to his cheeks. Oh?

Shauna said, "Alright! So you obviously already met Calem, right? So this is Tierno!" She pointed to a big guy with an ice cream shirt and black hair. "He can really tear it up on the dance floor!

"And this here is Trevor. He's a little shy, but he never misses a single question on his tests."
Trevor waved and said in a voice that sounded nervous, and very congested, "Hiya! I'm pleased to meet you." Trevor was very small, shorter than me, with glasses and long orange hair shaped in a bowl cut.

Suddenly, Tierno jumped up and said, "Ya know? I think we'd be a closer crew if we called each other by nicknames! What should we call you, Logan?"

"Um... uh...." Pressure was building up inside of me. Back in Sinnoh, I never really had any friends, only a few, so I wasn't even sure how to react.

"Um, how about L? It's kind of mysterious and fun..." Calem suggested. I laughed, and playfully hit him in the side.

"Alright!" Tierno responded. Then he put his fist out as if to bump it. The other four of us went in for a fist bump, and suddenly a white light flashed.

I was back in the despair of my dreams.


I saw myself, in a room with dark machinery, glowing buttons, flashing repeatedly at me. There was a man there too. A man with a fat face, and two buttons. Red, and blue.

"You must choose one!" The pudgy man exclaimed. Then he laughed hysterically.

"And what happens i-if I choose wrong?" I yelled back.

"Oh, you'll see!" I shuddered at his hoarse words, and I ran towards the blue button because, well, blue buttons usually aren't that bad.

I slowly pressed it. And suddenly, the ground began to shake. Shake so violently that I fell to the ground.


The bump brought me back to reality. Back to the simple fist bump with Tierno, Calum, Trevor, and Shauna. But my bum hurt.

When I arrived back to reality I tried not to scream.

"Alright! It's time to choose our Pokémon!" Shauna exclaimed.

Tierno grabbed a tubular case with three Pokéballs inside.

"Alright!" Tierno shouted. "L, I chose Froakie if you were wondering~"

"I want the cutest Pokemon...which is...ah! Chespin!" Shauna yelled giddily.

Suddenly, Calum butt in. "I guess that leaves me with Fennekin." He grabbed the final Pokéball. "We're going to be great partners." He cooed.

"D-does that leave a Pokémon for me?" I asked timidly. Well, I didn't want to be rude! But I did really want my Pokémon... Wouldn't you?

"Of course! But L, it's not a usual starter Pokémon..." He handed me the Pokéball.

I pressed the circular button in the middle of it. In a white glimmering light came out a recognizable Pokémon. It was a Glaceon. A Pokémon actually indigenous to Sinnoh!

A very serene Pokémon. It had great posture, and it seemed a little stuck up, but maybe I could fix that?

I pressed the Pokéball's white button, and a red light enveloped Glaceon, but he stuck its snout in the air, obviously saying no.

Then, Tierno added, "Oh, that one? He does not like being inside a Pokéball."

"Is that true?" I asked Glaceon myself. He made a noise close to a purr, maybe. And I let him climb on my hat. I laughed, as he really seemed comfortable up there, he laid directly atop my head.

I ran up to the bridge with Shauna, Glaceon staying perfectly on my hat. It was facing a forest, which led on to my journey of becoming a Pokémon master.

Small waves crashing, Shauna grabbed my hand, I looked at her and smiled, and together we yelled, "Hello Kalos Region!"

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