Patient 666

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The file slid across the desk towards Molly, the head psychiatrist sat back in his chair. "Patient 666." he said calmly. Clasping his hands together, he sat back in his chair. "Some may even refer to him as the devil. Quite a convenient patient number don't you think?" Molly raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "The devil?" she questioned. "People fear the devil, and people fear him." She scanned the photo of him on the front of his file. "He doesn't look very scary."                                                                                                                         "Yes, well looks can be deceiving Dr Ross. Its not his appearance that strikes fear in peoples hearts, its what he can do to manipulate the mind." His demeanour shifted. He was talking as if it was a secret mission that no one could know about. "How does he 'manipulate' the mind?"                                                                                                                                                                                "He uses a strange gas, which brings out your deepest fear if inhaled."  He stood up and towered over her. "After the incident with your last patient most of our psychiatrists left. There are only five of us now. Five wont work for over 200 patients, so we've sectioned them into different categories. The ones that need the most attention are at the top of the list in the dangerous/insane category. I trust you with these patients. Well its not like I have a choice really. You will be going to his cell for the sessions as he isn't trusted to be out of his cell." She nodded and he left her office. She read over his file quickly. Taking in all the details she needed to know. They were putting up security camera's as she walked to his cell. They should have installed then when the asylum was built but budget cuts stopped them from doing so.

Molly made her way down to his cell which was opposite the jokers old one. She noticed that his cell was surrounded by sound proof glass, she hadn't noticed this before. There was one guard stood in front of his door. "You his new psychiatrist?" he asked looking her up and down. She nodded in reply. "I suggest that don't look into his eyes." She made a made a mental note and opened his door. He was sat on is bed with his head down and a straight jacket on. When she walked in and sat down on the chair in the corner of the room, he looked up.

"Hello Jonathan." she started. "I'm Dr Ross." She studied his behaviour, writing down notes.

"I was a doctor once." he said with no emotion. She scribbled down a few words and carried on.

"Yes, you were a doctor here weren't you Mr Crane?" He nodded his head slightly. " Did you enjoy being a doctor?" Looking at the floor again, he nodded his head. " Oh yes, I was a great doctor. I did great things and had amazing research. Unfortunately I was so great of a doctor that I was chucked in here." He grimaced.
"Tell me Jonathan, what did you do to get yourself locked up in here?" She crossed her legs and awaited a reply. His head snapped towards her, a psychotic grin spread on his face. "Oh I did bad things doctor, bad things." She avoided his eyes at all costs. "I made a gas that brought peoples fears to life in front of their very own eyes! It was a very naughty thing to do but I got great results from my research." Molly couldn't help but give into looking into his eyes and she knew straightaway that she shouldn't have. "Oh I can see that you have many fears, fears I would love to see. If only I had some of my gas handy on me right now." She started to feel uncomfortable being in his presence.

"Do you regret what you did?" she asked. He looked thoughtful for a moment, then his cold stare came back. "No."

No remorse. She wrote down. "You were severely abused as a child weren't you?"

"Oh yes, I was abused by my parents and bullied by all the other kids at school. They thought I was crazy!" He laughed. "I was obsessed with fear."

Obsession with fear.

"You left your grandmother and fled to Gotham, but then a few months later, she was found dead. Want to tell me what happened there?" She cocked her head to the side and waited for his reply.

"Ah you see that is a secret and we all have secrets, You especially would know about secrets wouldn't you?" Her eyes darted up to his face. He knew that it was her. He must've been awake when she opened the door for Mr.J.

"I don't know what you mean." She said, playing it cool.

"Oh you know exactly what I mean Dr Ross. I know it was you who let out the Joker." He laughed. Molly's face flashed with worry.

"Don't worry doctor, I'm not gonna tell anyone. But mark my words when I get outta here, you're the first person I'm coming to find. I wanna know what  your fears are!" he started to laugh hysterically.

"You are a very good doctor, Dr Ross, almost as good as me. It's always the good ones that end up crazy, watch out doctor because it might be you who has to be locked up next!"

Molly left the room in shock. Appearances really are deceiving.

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