the holy rant.

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for some reason, i feel as if i'm the ruler amongst everyone i know. now this might sound cocky but, i feel as if i'm better than everyone else. like no one can really put the effort to meet my challenges. no one can actually understand the perspectives of others like i can.

1. although i supposedly act like a player, i give my full attention to girls. i literally pour my heart out to them and not in a gay way. i listen to them, laugh with them, make them feel wanted. even with guys. something a lot of people don't know how to do because they think "guys are the only cool ones. i want a guy." well fuck that. fuck, a girl got nice makeup on, nice outfit, nice legs, nice personality, fuck it. time to befriend her.

2. i'm fucking loyal. and no, i don't mean relationships, because i'm not fully there. there's lots of people in relationships right now that have been going on for a while. i'm talking about friendships. even if i haven't talked to a fucker in a year, if i really enjoyed being around you, then you better fucking believe i'm going to be there till the end. i wouldn't care if you cut my nuts off, act bi-polar, or have some serious psychological issues, i'll be there.

3. i keep it real. most people only talk to others because it'll give them an advantage towards something. seriously. have you guys ever just tried having a good laugh with each other once? drink a beer together? talk about your crazy sex stories? and maybe not only befriend one another just because you want to get into a relationship with someone they know, or because you want something out of it? please, stop being fucking fake. you're skin ain't plastic, your heart ain't titanium, so act like a fucking being for once.

4. i'm kind. i know everyone has their issues and i know everyone doesn't think the way i do. but i don't press them for it, i don't judge them in my head unless they're really pissing me off. there's a lot of people that are deprived of attention that they desperately want. they may like someone but won't talk to them because they may figure they're worthless. or they'll try but fail because the other person's a dickhead who won't even try. you can have your little trust issues but at the end of the day, it's life. let everyone in. they hurt you or they do something bad? well fuck them and move on. keep being kind.

seriously folks. i'm really fucking tired of people acting like they're the shit when really, they aren't. if anything, i'm the shit because i know how to fucking treat people. i might not be perfect, but hell, i'm pretty sure everyone would pick me over you.
hopefully this will inspire everyone to stop being dipshits and care for once. even if you're a cold-hearted motherfucker. i mean i'm one. when people leave me, when life hits me, i don't give a hard fuck. as long i'm happy at the moment, then that's all that matters.
so say hi to that girl. take her out for a beer. tell her about the time you got drunk and had an orgy with your family members.
befriend these people. be nice. be aggressive. flirt like crazy but don't commit.
live, you fucking robotic zombie assholes.

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