The Angels return

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As soon as I entered the elevator, I received a call. It was from a voice I'd never heard before. "Chara...are you there? It's been a long time, hasn't it...? But you've done well. Thanks to you, everything has fallen into place. See you soon." They said. The call ended abruptly. The elevator closed and shot upwards. Lights flashed and blared. When I reached the top, I stumbled out of the elevator. As I turned back, I saw the elevator covered in vines. I walked away from it. I made my way back up to the other elevator. Instead of taking the long way, I took it to the other side of the castle. I left it and walked to the final hall. The golden tiles were ominous of bad times. It felt...wrong, walking down the hall. I walked briskly down the hallway and through to the throne room. It looked sad. A single throne, surrounded by flowers. I tried not to think about it. I went on and through to the end. I entered through the stone archway, but not before saving. I entered through the arch and met with Asgore. "This is the barrier. This is what keeps us all trapped underground." He repeated. I felt confused. Did the fight with Flowey, really happen? Best not to think about it right now. If this was repeating, maybe I would have to fight Asgore again. "If...if by any chance you have any unfinished business...please do what you must." He said. I thought for a moment. To my knowledge, there wasn't anything I needed to do anymore, until after this confrontation. I pressed continue. "I see. This is it then." He said. The souls reappeared in their glass tubes. I prepared to fight him again. "Ready?" He said. I nodded. We entered the last fight. "A strange light fills the room. Twilight is shining through the barrier. It seems your journey is finally over." Charlotte said once more. You are filled with DETERMINATION! "Human, it was nice to meet you. Goodbye." Asgore said. His head tilted to the floor. He waited for a moment. An orange light flickered into being and Asgore lifted his head. The flame knocked him over. And down to the ground. I looked around, searching for who helped me. Then, Toriel slid into view. I laughed in relief when she appeared. "What a miserable creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth..." She started. I smiled at her. "Do not be afraid, my child. It is I, Toriel, your friend and guardian. At first, I thought I would let you make your journey alone..." She said. "But I couldn't stop worrying about you! Your adventure must have been so treacherous... And ultimately, it would burden you with a horrible choice. To leave here, you would have to take another's life. You would have to defeat Asgore. However... I realised...I cannot allow that." She said, a tone of kindness in her voice. Asgore got up and saw Toriel talking with me and approached us. " came back...!" He exclaimed happily. He looked as if he might cry with joy. "Do not 'Tori' me, Dreemurr!" She said, in a no nonsense, sharp tone. "You pathetic whelp. If you really wanted to free us, you would have taken one human soul, crossed the barrier and taken six souls from the humans, freeing us peacefully. Instead, you waited for them to fall down here, meekly hoping that they never would." She said. Asgore looked down at the ground. I tilted my head in confusion. He could have left before I came down here? "'re right... I am a miserable creature... But, do you think we can at least be friends again?" He asked, a glimmer of hope in his voice. Toriel sighed. "NO, Asgore." She said forcefully. Then, we heard the thunder of feet and a distinctive cry. "Ngahhhhhh!!! Asgore! Human!! Nobody fight each other!" Undyne shrieked. "Everyone's gonna make friends, or else I'll...!! I'll..." She said, stopping only when she saw Toriel. "Hello. I am Toriel. Are you the human's friend? It is nice to meet you." She said politely to Undyne. "Uh, yeah...? Nice to meet you!" She said to Toriel. Undyne moved to Asgore's side. "Hey Asgore, is that your ex?" She asked. She gave a soft whistle. "Jeez. That's rough, buddy." She said. Asgore had began to cry. Tears just poured down from his eyes. I felt so bad for him. I heard the fast clicking of claws on the smooth tile floor. It was Alphys. "H-hey! Nobody hurt each other!!" She squealed. She noticed Toriel and stopped. "Oh! Are you another friend? I am Toriel. Hello!" She said with a kind wave. Alphys waved back. "Uh, h-h-hi!" She said. "There's two of them???" She whispered to me. She joined Undyne in trying to comfort Asgore. I heard another set of feet running in. It was Papyrus. "HEY! NOBODY FIGHT ANYONE! IF ANYONE FIGHTS ANYONE...! THEN I'LL! BE FORCED! TO ASK UNDYNE FOR HELP!!!" He said. He looked over and saw Toriel. "Hello." She said to him. "OH! HELLO, YOUR MAJEST!" He said politely. "PSST! HEY, HUMAN... DID ASGORE SHAVE...AND CLONE HIMSELF?" He whispered to me. I giggled. Then, Sans appeared in his usual fashion. "hey, guys. what's up?" He said. I smiled. "That voice...!!" Toriel said, shocked. "Hello, I think we may...know each other?" She said to him. "oh hey... i recognise your voice, too." He said. I remembered the story Sans told me; about the lady behind a big stone door... He meant Toriel. I knew it! "I am Toriel. Hello! So nice to meet you." She said. "the name's sans. and, uh, same." He said, a slight blush on his bones. I smiled a little smug grin on his direction. "Oh wait then this must be your brother Papyrus." Toriel said, gesturing at Papyrus. Papyrus blushed. "WOWIE! I CAN'T BELIEVE ASGORE'S CLONE KNOWS WHO I AM!!" He said. They began talking amongst themselves. Toriel cracked a joke and Papyrus hated it. Undyne and Alphys were still trying to comfort Asgore. "Come on, Asgore! It's gonna be ok! There are plenty of fish in the sea..." Undyne said, with a kind smile. "Y-yeah, Asgore!! Undyne's totally right about the fish thing." Alphys agreed. "S-sometimes you've just got to, uh... S-stop going after furry boss monsters and, uh... J-just get to know a really cute fish...?" She said. Undyne looked a bit shocked, but Alphys quickly recovered. "It's a metaphor." She said. Undyne gave a little laugh. "Well, I think it's a good analogy." She said, placing a gentle hand on Alphys's shoulder. Then, we saw an unmistakable leg appear. "Oh my god! Will you two just smooch already?! The audience is dying for some romantic action!!" Mettaton said. Undyne grew a little bit angry. "Hey, shut up!!!" She yelled, as he disappeared. "Man, the nerve of that guy! Right, Alphys!??" She said, nudging Alphys. She stayed silent. "... Uh, Alphys?" Undyne asked. "No. He's right." Alphys finally said. She gave a big smile. "Let's do it!" She said, happily. Undyne was shocked. She couldn't speak. "??????????? Well?? Uh?? I guess?? If you want to??? Then?? Don't hold anything back!!!" Undyne finally said. They both leaned in to kiss, a deep red blush on both of their faces. I waited for them to finally kiss, but Toriel interfered. Dammit! I thought to myself. "W-wait! Not in front of the human!" She said. Alphys gave a little timid smile. "Uh, right. S-sorry, I got a little carried away there." Alphys apologised. They all stood in front of me. My smile couldn't have been any bigger. All of my friends together. "Hee hee hee." Toriel laughed. "My child, it seems as if you must stay here for a while. But looking at all the great friends you have made... I think... I think you will be happy here." Toriel said. I couldn't help but agree. With all of my friends and with Toriel looking after me, I will definitely be happy here. "H-hey, that reminds me. Papyrus... YOU called everyone here, right? Well, besides, uh, her. Uh, how to call everybody?" Alphys asked Papyrus. I was curious, too. Papyrus smiled. "LET'S JUST SAY... A TINY FLOWER HELPED ME." He said. It was as if the world went into slow motion or completely stopped. My eyes widened. My breath shortened. Alphys shared my panicked expression. "A tiny flower...?" She said. She was cut off by a long, green vine wrapping around them all. My friends expressions turned to ones of pain. I was pretty shaken. Tears poured down my face to see them so hurt. Then, a face I thought I wouldn't see, popped up.

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