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We walked along the path and found Sans standing beside another skeleton. The skeleton wore a white and blue costume with a tattered red scarf. He was much taller than Sans. We assumed that he was Papyrus. They spotted our approach. The taller of the two skeletons turned to face us, then turned to Sans, and back to us, and so on until they both were turned away from us. "SANS! OH MY GOD!!! IS THAT... A HUMAN?!" He asked. "uhhhh...i think that's a rock." Sans answered. I gave a slight chuckle. "OH." Papyrus said, a bit down heartedly. "hey what's that in front of the rock?" Sans quickly asked, trying to cheer Papyrus up. "OH MY GOD! (ARE THEY HUMANS?)" Papyrus asked. "(yes)" Sans answered quickly. "OH MY GOD!!! SANS, I FINALLY DID IT!" Papyrus shrieked joyously. "HUMANS, YOU SHALL NOT PASS THIS AREA! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL STOP YOU! I WILL CAPTURE YOU. YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO THE CAPITAL. THEN... I'M NOT SURE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. IN ANY CASE, CONTINUE...ONLY IF YOU DARE!" He said. He then left the area. Sans stood there. "well, that went well. don't sweat it kids. i'll keep an eye socket out for ya." He told us. We left the area. Crunching through the snow, we found another friend. She was curled up by a tree, doing what could only be described as sulking. She had very light blonde almost white hair that fell past her shoulders and piercing sky blue eyes. I extended my hand to help her up. "Hello. Are you okay?" We asked her. She was covered in bruises and a few scars. I gave her a monster candy that I had picked up in the Ruins. She ate it and her health increased. A few of her scars and bruises healed. "Thanks." She said. We introduced ourselves. "I'm Lucy." She told us. I gave her the tough glove. She smiled and kissed it...and then proceeded to punch a tree. She had left and imprint in the bark. I noticed a sign close by. Charlotte read it for me. "Absolutely NO MOVING." She read. I looked at her, confused. She shrugged. There was a little wooden hut sat to the east of the sign. We approached and Katie rang the bell. A dog popped up over the bench. "Did something move?" It barked questioningly. "Was it my imagination? I can only see moving things. If something was moving... For example a human... I'll make sure it never moves again!" It barked. Katie pushed me and Lucy out of the way. Charlotte moved to her to help her. The world lost all colour and the FIGHT ensued. "Doggo blocks the way." Katie pressed ACT and Pet. "Doggo is too suspicious of your movements." Charlotte informed her. "Don't move an inch." Doggo warned. Katie stayed as still as possible, waiting patiently. "Doggo can't seem to find anything." Charlotte said to keep me and Lucy in the loop. She repeated her choice to pet Doggo. "Will it move this time?" Doggo woofed to himself. Again, Katie waited. She managed to pet Doggo. He completely flipped out. "What!! I've been pet!" He barked. Katie stayed very still. "Doggo has been pet." Charlotte said surprised. Katie pressed spare. "You won!" We approached Doggo's hut. "S-s-s-something pet me... Something that wasn't m-m-moving... I'm gonna need some dog treats for this!!!" He yipped. Lucy stood dumbfounded. "How did you do that? I could never get past him! You must have a special skill with dogs." She said to Katie. "No. You just don't move. Stay still and have patience." She said. We all moved forwards. We found Sans again. He told us about blue attacks, saying that you shouldn't move when they come at you. He suggested to think about blue stop signs to help with blue attacks. We moved on. Then we came across Papyrus and Sans again; stood at the other end of a square of snow that looked rather flat. We waited there. Papyrus explained that it was an invisible maze. He had a blue orb on him that would shock you if you touched the edge of the maze. Lucy moved forwards and it shocked Papyrus. We snickered a bit. Sans told him to give one of us the orb. He walked through the maze, showing us the answer. We all held the orb and followed the path laid out in front of us. This was followed by a plethora of puzzles, japes and traps. We met lots of doggies like the greater dog and lesser dog. We came across two cabins and a sign. "Smell ratings. Snow smell:white rating, can become yellow rating. Unsuspicious smell: puppy, Blue rating, smell of rolling around. Weird smell: human, Green rating, eliminate at all costs. Well, that's comforting." She said. I hummed in agreement. We journeyed on. We encounter two dogs. They force us into a circle. "What's that smell?" One of them said. They had a strong masculine voice. "Where's that smell?" The other asked. They had a softer feminine voice. "If you're a smell..." The male voice spoke. "...identify yoursmellf!" The female voice finished. They circled us, sniffing the air, until they stopped at our circle. "Hmmm... Here's that smell... It makes me want to eliminate..." He growled. "Eliminate YOU!" The other snapped. I took the fight. "Dogi assaults you!" Charlotte warns. Dogamy and Dogressa are my opponents. I press ACT and press Roll around. I drop to the floor and roll around in the snow and dirt. "You smell like a weird puppy." Charlotte informed me. "That's the idea." I hit re-smell. They sniff me. "After rolling in the dirt, you smell all right." She told me. "What! Smells like a..." Dogamy starts. "Are you actually a little puppy?" Dogressa questions. I pet them both. I win the fight. We keep moving.

After the Dogamy and Dogressa fight, we came across the gauntlet laid out by Papyrus. We just stood there. He was going to activate it but, he hesitated. He disarmed it and let us pass. We finally arrived at Snowdin village. It was a small place. We entered the shop. Lucy asked if she could borrow some gold to buy back her items that she left in the box. I bought her other glove and manly bandana. I also bought a few cinnamon bunnies and bicicles from the shop keeper. I gave a few to the others, so we didn't have to wait until a save point to heal after every fight. We came across another golden glow and placed all our hands in. "Seeing the small, quiet town of Snowdin fills you with determination, patience and bravery." Charlotte says. We turn to Lucy. "So your trait is bravery. Cool! What colour soul are you?" I ask. "Orange. What's yours?" She asks. "Mines red and Katie's is light blue." I tell her. Katie smiles. We move through Snowdin. There are lots of people there. We see an inn for us to stay the night, a little diner, a library and the skelebros house. We were all tired so we went to the inn and had a quick nap. It was a bit loud. We left. It was such a nice place, but we had to press on. We reached a snowy interpass. A whirlwind of snow blew, creating a difficult to see past curtain. We lost sight of each other. But, a familiar voice is what brought us all to the same point. We heard Papyrus calling out to us. We barely heard what he said over the wind whipping past us. I could barely see as the wind blew hair into my face and snow fell. I had to hold onto the nearest limb to keep myself stable. We all entered the fight. Our opponent? Papyrus. We took turns. I was first. I chose to flirt with him. He asked what I could do and I gave him the only answer that mattered to him. We all chose to act and not fight. Even Lucy. We were shown his blue attack. But then... He did something. He turned all of our souls dark blue. We had to jump to get over the bone attacks. We kept sparing and we won. He spared us and we spared him. He said that he wanted to be our friends. Maybe not in those exact words, but you could understand. We all agreed to be his friends. "WOWIE. I THOUGHT I WOULD ONLY MAKE ONE FRIEND, BUT NOW I HAVE THREE NEW FRIENDS. FEEL FREE TO COME OVER AND HANG OUT, FRIENDS. NYEH HEH HEH." He said. We said our goodbyes to him and carried on on our journey.

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