Time with Undyne

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We backtracked to Undynes house. Papyrus was there, waiting for us. He smiled when he saw us and talked to Lilah and Georgina. He showed us a bone that had a red ribbon tied around it and said to give it to Undyne. We could hear the slamming of piano keys from inside her house. She played with passion. It was quite something to hear. Papyrus knocked on the door and the playing stopped. The jaws to the house slid open. Undyne and Papyrus were talking excitedly when he grabbed me and showed me to Undyne. She grit her teeth and invited us in. The others stayed outside. Her house was really nice. She had a grand piano and a sword. She and Papyrus were chatting and then, without warning, he jumped out of her window. I heard whispers outside between the others and Papyrus. Undyne started to talk about my manner. How I was nice to people and how she didn't really like it. Papyrus poked his head in through the window and challenged Undyne, saying that she couldn't handle being friends with a human. She immediately rose to it. She pulled out some drink choices for me. I tried to get up and choose which one I wanted but she threw a spear into the table. "Don't get up! You're the guest! Sit down and enjoy yourself!" She yelled. "I mean...why don't you point to what you want? Use the spear." She said, calmly. I took the spear in my hands. It was surprisingly light for its size. I pointed over to a box of tea. "Tea..huh?" She said, with a little sigh. She went about making the tea. The water boiled and she poured the tea into a cup shaped like a fish. She placed it on my left and sat down across from me. "Here we are. Careful, it's hot." She said. Her eye twitched. "It's not that hot!! Just drink it already!" She yelled. I took a sip of the tea. It scolded my tongue, but it was pretty good. "It's pretty good, right? Nothing but the best for my absolutely precious friend." She said gleefully. "Hey... It's kind of strange you chose that tea. Golden flower tea... It's Asgore's favourite kind. Actually, now that I think about it...you kind of remind me of him. You're both TOTAL weenies!!!" She said with a chuckle. I gave a small smile in return. "...sort of. You know, I was a pretty hotheaded kid. Once, to prove I was the strongest, I tried to fight Asgore. Emphasis on TRIED. I couldn't land a single blow on him! And worse, the whole time, he refused to fight back! I was so humiliated... Afterwards, he apologised and said something goofy... 'Excuse me, do you want to know how to beat me?'" She gave another chuckle. "I said yes, and from then on, he trained me. One day, during practise, I finally knocked him down. I felt...bad. But he was beaming... I had never seen someone more proud to get their butt kicked. Anyway, long story short, he kept training me...and now I'm head of the Royal Guard! So, I'm the one who gets to train dorks to fight!" She said triumphantly. "...Like, uh, Papyrus. But, um, to be honest..." She said, looking around. Her voice became no more than a whisper. "I don't know if... I can ever let Papyrus into the Royal Guard. Don't tell him I said that. He's just... Well... I mean it's not that he's weak. He's actually pretty freaking tough. It's just that... He's... He's too innocent and nice! I mean, look, he was supposed to capture you... And he ended up being friends with you instead. I could never send him into battle! He'd get ripped into little smiling shreds." I nodded at this. Papyrus was too kind for this world. He wouldn't last out on the battlefront. Undyne's voice picked back up. "That's part of why... I started teaching him how to cook, you know? So, um, maybe he can do something else with his life. Oh, sorry, I was talking for so long... You're out of tea, aren't you? I'll get you some more." Undyne said. The tea I had been nursing was indeed cold. I threw it down my throat. It didn't taste too bad cold. Undyne paused halfway to the stovetop. "Wait a second. Papyrus... His cooking lesson... He was supposed to have that right now!! And if he's not here to have it... You'll have to have it for him!!!" She exclaimed. Undyne hopped up onto her counter, where the drinks were laid out, and knocked them to he floor. She jumped off the counter and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the counter. She stamped her foot and vegetables rained down onto the counter. "Let's start with the sauce!" She said. She told us to pound the vegetables. I pounded strong, only for a single tomato to be knocked over. Undyne then pounded the veg into mush. It sprayed onto both of us. "We'll just scrape that into a bowl later." She said. She stamped again and a pan fell with a box of pasta. "Now add the noodles." I added them in fiercely. I stirred the pasta. Undyne gave me plenty of encouragement, urging me to stir faster. In the end, she nudged me to the side and took over, 'stirring' the pan with one of her spears. She made so many dents in it. "Now let's turn up the heat!" She said. I cranked it up but she kept saying to go hotter. The temperature grew so hot that it set her kitchen on fire. Undyne smiled at me. "So, what next? Scrapbooking? Friendship bracelets?" She asked. She sighed heavily. "Oh, who am I kidding? I can't force you to like me. So now, I have no guilt in killing you!" She yelled. We entered a battle. Undyne was letting me take the first hit. I proceeded to fake hit her. "Is that it? So, even after that, you can't bring yourself to hurt me. Now I see that you're not just a wimpy loser, you're a wimpy loser with a big heart." She said. "Let's get out of this burning house." She said. We left the house and I rejoined the others. Undyne left to hang with Papyrus. We all went on our way.

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