"Lou? Louis, are you okay?"

The lights turned back on.

"I t-tripped," Louis stuttered quietly and Harry could tell he was trying not to cry.

"Aw babe, I'm so sorry I didn't catch you! " 

Harry apologised profusely as he rushed down the last couple of steps and crouched down beside Louis. He smiled guiltily and held out a hand to help Louis back onto his feet.

Louis stared at it, unsure if getting up was the best idea. His right ankle was screaming out in agony and although he tried to keep it to himself he knew the second he tried to walk he would be in tears.

"You didn't hit your head or anything, did you?" 

Harry couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for what had happened, he didn't know what he'd do if Louis had gotten hurt because of him.

Louis shook his head. He moved his foot, hoping that maybe it wouldn't hurt as much as it seemed but apparently it was useless because all the movement did was cause his eyes to spring a leak. 

Actually, make that several leaks.

He whimpered as the tears ran down his face. 

"Love, tell me what's hurting so I can help," Harry pleaded, wiping a tear off of Louis' soft cheek.

"My ankle- Harry, it h-hurts!"

 Louis managed to grab Harry's shirt this time and he held it in a tight fist as his ankle throbbed.

Harry placed his hand over Louis', trying to calm him down. He felt horrible for Louis, the day had been going so amazingly and now he was in pain and crying on the floor.

"I'm gonna pick you up love, stay still," Harry whispered into Louis' ear as he curled his arms up underneath him.

Louis hiccuped, his eyes wild and afraid, "please be careful."

"I'm always careful with you Lou."

 Harry smiled sweetly as he slowly lifted Louis up into the air. Louis whined and tucked his face into Harry's shoulder to stifle to loud moan that escaped his lips as his foot swung slightly.

"Sorry, Lou," Harry said, adjusting his grip slightly.

Niall appeared from a doorway a little bit down the hall, "there you two are! People are beginning to get bloody pissed off back there. They sent me out to find you!"

"I'm really sorry Ni, really, but we have a bit of an issue," Harry told the blond.

"You have a boner?"

Harry ignored Niall's comment, "Lou's hurt his ankle, he tripped down the stairs." 

Niall face lost all traces of his usual pep as he came closer to check on his friend, "shit, when? Tommo, you okay mate?"

"Just now, and no he's not alright," Harry replied. 

Niall saw Louis' tear-struck features and sucked in a hurried breath of air. Harry felt about the same way.

"That bad that he's crying?"

 Harry bit his bottom lip anxiously, "we haven't had a proper look yet but he's really hurting, Ni."

Louis just wanted it to stop. He wanted to go back to kissing Harry behind the stage and redo the past twenty minutes so that this would never happen.

"Oi, you lot! You've gotta be in here right now so we can get this thing started. People have paid good money for this!" A bearded face poked through a doorway barely ten metres down the hall.

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