"Hey, where's Scott?" I asked.

"I think he just went in the shower." David answered getting a can of soda out of the cabinet.

"Has he been...acting strangely to you guys lately?"

The two boys shook their head and replied "not really." I faced Rogue noticing she remained silent.

"Rogue?" i asked.

"Well...somewhat. I mean he seemed a little...confused, the last time i spoke to him."

"And when was that?" Bobby asked jealously.

"When we got back he asked me why I was still wearing my gloves. It was a little odd considering he knows about my powers. But I kinda just blew it off." She responded.

David handed the can of soda to Bobby after she spoke. He gripped the base of it and frost appeared on the outside of the can. He handed it back to David.

"Thanks, man." David said opening the can. "So, what are you guys trying to say?" He asked after taking a sip.

"I'm not sure yet, he's just acting different and i'm trying to figure out why." I answered.

"I'll have a talk with him when he gets out, see if he's acting normal or not." David answered. He sipped his soda again and walked out of the kitchen.

"What about you?" Bobby asked Rogue. "You gonna have a little chat with him too?" He asked still obviously bothered by the two talking.

"Can you stop?" She said angrily as she got out of the chair.

"Okay, i'm sorry." His jealousy turned to sincerity.

"Alix," she turned back to me. "If you start to actually get worried again then come talk to me. I want to make sure all of us," she faced Bobby and emphasized her words. "are okay."

"Alright, I will." I told her walking back out into the hall. I accidentally bumped into Storm.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized as her eyes shimmered yellow for a split second during the collision. She blinked them a few times and shook her head.

"It's okay." She said opening her eyes.

"I thought you were asleep?"

"Oh, i was. Then i woke up to use the bathroom." She said about to walk off.

"Isn't Scott in the shower though?" I asked.

She faced me as if annoyed of my questions. "The other bathroom." She responded coldly and walked off. I quietly snuck behind her as she made her way down the hall. She looked around and I hid behind the corner of the wall. She walked into the bathroom with the shower still running and shut the door. I instantly felt weird about it thinking she was in there while Scott was still showering and I walked up to door. "Scott?" I asked knocking. "Are you almost done?"

"Yeah one second." He called out. The shower turned off and he unlocked the door. He opened it with a towel around his waist, his dark hair still dripping wet from the shower. "What's up?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Oh Storm had to use the bathroom." I used as an excuse.

"You said she was sleeping." He replied cleaning his ears with a Q-tip.

"I guess not." I paused for a second. "It looked like she was walking this way." I decided to admit.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. I could feel that vibration in my head again, I knew I wasn't imagining it this time. He smiled resembling Scott's smile as if he had seen the image of him in my previous memory. "Alix, come here." he replied softly.

"Why?" I asked still suspicious.

"Come here and shut the door." I paused again feeling weird but decided to do so. He gazed into my eyes and kissed me passionately. He continued to kiss me and grabbed my hands. He placed my hands on the top of his chest and slowly pushed them down to his lower stomach.

"What are you doing?" I asked him nervously.

"Shh, I know you like it." He snickered while continuing to kiss me. I wanted him more and more and began kissing back as he grabbed my face with his hands pulling me closer. He stopped and stared at me in the eyes. "Good." He whispered amused. He held my face tighter and his eyes turned a bright yellow tone. I could see my reflection in his enlarged pupils. I started to feel very weak and dizzy before i fell to my knees. He smiled deviously and his skin developed a blue hue to it as i slowly faded out of consciousness.

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