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Chapter 12: Grieving

It's been three days since the incident  at Connor's place. Mom freaked out when I came home at 4 in the morning, I had to go to the hospital right after cause I passed out, I didn't have my emergency bag with me. Dad came back right away once he heard what happened to me, and I was right he did throw a huge fit. Now I'm not allowed to talk, see, or even text Connor unless it's about school.

Since the said incident, I had to go to court with Connor, that was the only time dad allowed me to see him. I missed school because of the hearing. His uncle was convicted of murder and abuse, I can't believe he killed his own brother.

Anyways I don't know if Connor won the case for his father's will. Speaking of Connor I haven't seen him since yesterday when I won my case. I didn't tell anyone I remembered that I had sex with Connor, I feel like I shouldn't tell anyone at all, it was one stupid night and I was drugged in the process.

Today felt like I needed to be there for him more than his birthday. Dad said I could stay home if I wasn't feeling like going, but I have to face the world at one point, besides only two days left of school then it's Christmas Break and I'm off to New York to see my Grandma Mackayla and Grandpa Matthew. Don't get me started with the M's.

"Are you sure you want to leave? You can stay here, you don't have to go to school" Dad asked as I put my plate in the sink.

"Dad I'm fine"

"Are you sure? We can spend the day together, go to the movies"

"Dad I'll be okay" I looked at the clock it was 6:30 "Well got to go don't want to miss the bus" I kissed his cheek. Mike's taking Maia to school since both of them wake up late

"Okay call me if anything. And what did I say if you see Connor in the hall?"

"If we're not in class, I have to pass. Yes dad I know"

"That's my girl"

"Bye dad" I ran across the street to meet up with Chase "Good morning" I said with a big smile. He doesn't want to take his car to school, he's afraid that if he drives it there people would steal it.

"Why are you in such a good mood?"

I shrugged "I don't know"

"I heard what happened. How you feeling?"

"I'm okay"

"Doesn't look like it" he traced his thumb over my bruise

"Chase I'm fine" I pushed his hand away

"I heard what happened with Jack and Brook. I'm sorry, if it makes you feel any better no one talks to them at school anymore and they sit alone in the cafe, along with the two clones"

"Chase it's okay. I'm fine I don't need that to ruin my life" I just remembered, Chase is leaving tomorrow to his grandparents in Michigan "I got you this" I said handing a present to him

"Yours is in my house, I'll go get yours"

"Chase it's okay I'll get it later I just couldn't wait til you open my present for you"

"Okay if you're sure"

"Yes now open it"

"Okay, Okay. Nice wrapping paper by the way" It was minions. I picked it out especially for him since Despicable Me is his favorite movie "Thanks Mack" I got him a minion shirt and the second movie on dvd for him "I'll be watching this on my laptop on the plane ride there"

The bus pulled up and once we got in, all eyes were on me. I made my way to the back and still everyone's eyes were on me

"Stop staring at me" I yelled. They all averted there eyes to the front of the bus. I rested my head on Chase's shoulder and he patted my head "I'm not a dog Chase"

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