Drabble 1: "Birth"

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*Moving my Drabbles here instead. Will be deleting the original Drabble book in a bit*

Drabble Challenge: Maine and Alden witness the most exciting thing (but has to be written in the most boring tone.)


After nearly twenty hours of labor, Maine gave birth to a baby boy.

She was exhausted.
Alden named him Sebastian, as agreed.
Friends and family came to see the new baby. Maine looked at her child and smiled because she was happy. Alden looked at his wife holding his first child because he was happy, too. The grandparents were happy.
He had small red hands and a red face. Suddenly, Sebastian cried again. People around him were amused. They all agreed he was going to be a good-looking child.
It was a good day.
Everyone was happy.
They were a very happy couple.

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