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Harry was in a bad mood.

It was the first thing Louis noticed when he walked into the school and saw him. Harry looked pissed and sad and everything. He looked a little forlorn, too.

"What's wrong?"

"Gemma won't be able to come home for a while because she's got a lot of stuff to do for Uni. It'll be weeks before I get to see her again."

"Who's 'her'?" Zayn asked curiously as he and Liam approached them, having only heard the last sentence.

"Harry's sister," Louis told him.

"I didn't know you had a sister," Liam said, tilting his head a little to the side.

"Yeah." Harry didn't talk much more after that. Louis frowned. Harry being in a good mood somehow made Louis be in a good mood, too, and it seemed that it was the same vice versa. Frowns and sadness didn't belong with Harry. He was too sweet to suffer.

When the happy couple (Louis liked to call Liam and Zayn that for multiple reasons) left, he asked, "When will you get to see her?"

"I have no idea. She calls me when she can, but she's really busy and loaded with work, apparently. I don't know when it'll be over. I feel selfish, though, because she's the one working for what she wants and missing me, while I'm throwing a pity party for myself when I don't have to do anything but answer her calls."

"You aren't selfish," Louis said, almost immediately. "It's okay to miss her. It's okay to dislike things keeping you and your sister apart. You don't have to feel bad about it."

Harry didn't reply and didn't meet Louis's gaze. He kept his eyes on his locker and closed it without looking at Louis even once. As they walked to class side-by-side, Louis talked about nothing so Harry's silence wouldn't feel awkward.

/ / / \ \ \


"Hey, H. Everything good?"

"Okay, I guess. Do you have enough time to talk for a couple of minutes?"

"I'm on my way back to the dorms, so I have a little bit."

Harry smiled. "Okay. Good. It feels like it's been forever."

"I just called you yesterday morning!"

"I still miss you."

"I'll walk slowly," Gemma promised. "Anything good happening lately with you? I've been so caught up in all this work that parties and dates are out of the question. At least tell me there's a little bit of drama. Or something."

"I'm fine. Um, Liam and Zayn are doing okay for the moment, so there's not really any drama there. I don't know. Nothing's really happening right now."

"What about Louis?"

Harry blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do. He seems like he's an asshole. But, like, the nice-once-you-get-to-know-him kind."

"I'm not talking to you about boys."

Gemma laughed. "You will. It's okay, H — you know I won't judge you. All this shit with classes isn't really helping out my relationship status. Remember that girl I'd gotten a date with?"


"She had her own class shit, and then mine came in, and we canceled it. I was so mad. She was hot, too, and it pissed me off so much."

"It's Uni. You're there to work, I guess," Harry said weakly.

"I guess so." Gemma sighed. "Alright, tell me about wherever you are with this boy. Go ahead — tell me every detail."

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