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It's three months since the last chapter, then it's a year from the last, three years from the last chapter and so on, hope that makes sense.

(3 months later)

Her fingers glided across the solid wood of the crib, her heart aching as she gazed down at the fresh sheets that were neatly displayed in the crib.

The room was dusty, but still had a fresh, clean scent to it.

It was the first time she had been in there since that day.

Knowing her daughter should have been laying there, crying or giggling broke her.


She slowly turned around, finding Daryl stood in the door way.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Terrible." She confessed.


(One year later)

"Daryl I was thinking, "Lorna began "maybe we could turn the spare room into something else and not...not some sort of shrine."

Even though it had been a year since they had lost their daughter, they had never removed any of the baby items from the room.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to keep any of that stuff?" Daryl asked.

Lorna frowned. "Why would we need any of it?" She asked.

He shrugged. "Just thought that maybe one day you would..."

"What? Want to carry a baby for nine months only to have it taken from me again?" She asked.

"I just thought-"

"I know what you thought Daryl, but it's not happening. It's obvious I shouldn't be a mother, let's just leave it at that."

Daryl just nodded and allowed Lorna to leave again.


(2 years later)

"What you got there?" Lorna asked as she peered over Daryl's shoulder to look at what he was reading.

"Just something I was looking into."

"Adoption?" Lorna asked as she sat down beside him.

He nodded.

She looked down sadly. "You really want a kid don't you?" She asked.

"Yeah, but if it's not something you want then we don't even have to look into this." He stated quickly.

"No, let's have a look into it." She smiled.


(3 years later)

"Her names Abigail, she was abandoned by her mother right after birth, left outside the hospital. She's six months old now." The kind women Linda said.

Lorna and Daryl looked down at the little girl who was laid on a play mat giggling and looking at her toys.

She had unruly brunette curls and bright green eyes.

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