Chapter 13

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"Can you not see I'm panicking here?" Lorna exclaimed.

"Yes I can, but you still need to sit still so I can do your make up." Jessie said.

She, Maggie and Beth were currently huddled up in Maggie's bedroom preparing for the "big day". Lorna had done nothing but panic all morning over the littlest of things.

"What if the dress doesn't fit? What if it makes me look fat? What if-oh my god, what if Daryl ditches me?" She asked on the verge of tears.

"Hey.." Beth said calmly. "He ain't going to do that."

"He might do if you don't get your head screwed on straight, sit your skinny ass on that chair and get your make up done!" Maggie snapped, pointing at the chair Lorna had stood from. Maggie shook her head at her friend while slipping her dress over her body, not seeming to care that three other people were in the room.

She looked great, just as Maggie always did making Lorna feel jealous. She could never look like that.

(Maggies dress, not sure it would suit her, but go with it

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(Maggies dress, not sure it would suit her, but go with it.)

Lorna sniffled and sat back down. "I'm sorry." She whispered before bursting into tears.

"That's ruined." Jessie grumbled as she took some make up wipes out. "Attempt number three."

"Seriously Lorna, we haven't got time for this. You should have been in your dress five minutes ago. Wipe your eyes, blow your snotty nose and get a grip. Okay?" Maggie asked.

Lorna wiped her face, smeering mascara down her cheeks and nodded. "Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome, now Jessie. Get to work." She ordered.

"Okay, make up is done. Hair is done. She needs her dress on and then I can put the flower crown on." Jessie announced.

"Okay, you two out." Maggie ordered pointing to Jessie and Beth. "You strip." She ordered Lorna.

Jessie and Beth left leaving Maggie and Lorna alone.

"Hurry, hurry." Maggie urged.

Lorna rolled her eyes and took her gown off and threw it on the bed, quickly crossing her arms across her chest. "Okay close your eyes." Maggie ordered.


"Do it." She ordered, cutting of her protest.

Lorna sighed but did as she was told, following the instructions as Maggie slipped the dress over her body before zipping up the back. She was surprised by the fact that it fit perfectly and felt great on.

"Keep your eyes closed. I'm bringing the girls in. You can open them once Jessie has finished your hair." Maggie stared and Lorna nodded nervously.

She heard the door click open, before she heard two gasps.

"Do I look awful?" She asked.

"Not at all, the complete opposite." Jessie said.

"You look stunning!" Beth gasped.

"Let me finish you up and then you can see for yourself." Jessie stared.

She fiddled with Lorna's hair for a few minutes before backing away. Maggie led her towards the mirror before finally telling her to open her eyes.

Lorna gasped in shock as she stared back at her reflection. She couldn't think of one single time she had ever looked like that.

Her dress was beautiful, but definitely not traditional, a shade of green that made her eyes pop dramatically.

She actually felt beautiful for once

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She actually felt beautiful for once. Her make up was simple just as she requested, but it made her look different, more grown up. Her silky black hair had been pinned back, plaited messily - but beautiful - and brought over her shoulder, allowing strands to fall and frame her face. A delicate flower crown sat on her head, finishing the look perfectly.

"I can't believe it

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"I can't believe it." She gasped, trying her hardest not to cry and ruin her make up again. "I'm getting married." She whispered.

Maggie grinned. "Yes you are bestie. Now chop, chop. Blind fold on."

"Crap, I forgot about that. Is it really necessary?" Lorna asked.

"It's going to ruin her make up." Jessie pointed out.

"Daryl's orders. He didn't want her to be upset by the location. I think he's worried it isn't enough." Maggie shrugged as she took the blindfold out.

"He's crazy. I ain't wearing that thing. Take me to my husband to be right this second."

"Not without the blind fold." Maggie said holding it up.

"The last time me and Daryl had sex, that blind fold was involved." Lorna stated casually making Maggie threw it across the room.


Lorna smirked. "Looks like I ain't wearing it."

Maggie sighed. "Will you just close your eyes then. Daryl begged me to do this. For him at least?"

"Fine." Lorna grumbled.

"Good, now let's go before he thinks you've ditched the poor guy." Maggie said hurrying everyone out of the room.


Next will be Daryl's side of what's happening.

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