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"Mom!!" I run to my mom and almost tip her over, "oh sorry!!"

My dad laughs and joins the hug, "We missed our little girl!! It was too quiet in the house"

"Are you calling me loud?" I yell, "aw that's the nicest thing I've ever heard!"

"Are we sure we want her back?" My mom asks my dad and we all laugh, "But baby was everything okay? Why didn't you come back with the boys?"

I sigh, "Xavier and I got in a fight, I wanted to leave... I just wanna be home and lay in bed watching Netlfix."

"About that.. I'm sorry sweetie but your mother and I already had a trip planned thinking you were staying longer with the boys, you can join us if you want?"

"I rather stay home."

"But honey we don't want you home alone what if something happens?"

"I just, I don't know mom."

My mom looks up at dad and everything comes back to me. They aren't your parents Andrea.

"When will you leave?" I ask

"From here."

"But I forgot my laptop dad! And I barely have clothes, I also want to do some stuff until we leave. Please dad, mom?"

Both my parents sigh, "You won't take long will you?"

"An hour?" They sigh once again and nod. "Yay!! Thank you!"

We leave the airport and go get some lunch I wasn't hungry knowing what was going to happen eventually. My parents kept asking me question about how everything went and what happened with Xavier but I was tired and didn't really want to talk to them. I could tell they were worried but I had too much on me that I didn't care at that moment. When we get home I rush inside and up to my room I just wanted to lay in bed but my parents were up my ass the second I got in my room.

"Honey, it'd be great if you hurry because you know your father doesn't like driving too late at night."

"Mom I literally got here barely a minute ago."

She stands by the door and when my phone rings she looks concerned. "Who is it dear?"


"Who's that?"

"Nelson's girlfriend."

"Nelson has a girl- are you going to answer that?"

"Can you leave the room?" She slowly leaves the room but I knew she'd stay behind the door. "Hi Ari, what's up?"

"So you're home. Everything okay?" Nelson asks

"Yeah my trip went well... Turns out I'm going on a trip with my parents but all I wanna do is sleep, how's it going?"

"They'll be there in fifteen minutes, yes earlier than what Roman said, think you can handle it?"

"I'm glad the boys are okay, look out for them while they're there, no matter how long they're there. You should come to Central Valley one day, but yeah don't worry everything is okay."

"Fifteen minutes. Bye little sis."

"Bye Ari." I hang up and throw myself on my bed. I honestly just wanted to sleep. I close my eyes and hug my teddy bear tightly, a little nap wouldn't hurt anyone. The second my head hits the pillow a deep sleep rushes over me. Everything that happened yesterday came back and it was replaying over and over again. From Xavier with the promise ring to them telling me they were my family to this. I thought I could escape it in my sleep but I guess not.

"What are you doing here?!!"


"Where's the girl?!!"

The yelling starts fading in and my door being thrown open wakes me up completely.

"Miss Govern Ruis."

"Hello Mister Rodriguez, Roman."

"It's time." I nod and grab my stuff and my two teddy bears. "We'll get the rest of your things, boys. Let's go."

We walk downstairs and my parents look at me upset and shocked. "How could you sweetie? We raised you, we saved you from a bad house."

"My father is an agent."

"Our mother works and owns a restaurant." Nelson stands by my side

"You ruined a great family."

"We are your family!"

"I thought that too... I really did. Thank you for raising me in a great household even if it was all lies. Thank you for clothing me, feeding me, and giving me a roof over my head. I wish you the best." I grab Nelson's arm and hold back my tears. "Thank you, they can go."

There's yelling and lots of crying everyone leaves.

"The two gentleman upstairs will make their way out when they have all your items. Where will you be staying?"

"With Xavier." Xavier looks at me and smiles softly. "If he lets me."

"Of course." I let go of Nelson and hug Xavier. "I told you everything will be okay. Thank you for not pushing us away."

"I need you, I need all of you to keep sane."

Back at Xavier's house I remeet Xavier's "parents" who are actually just more agents. I find out that his actual family will be moving up here in a few days. I thought it was pretty useless if they moved up here if we weren't going to be here during college but turns out when we graduate they're moving to (Nelson's town)

"We'll be staying here until Agent Acosta's family is here." Agent Laura says. "Would you want something to eat Miss Govern Ruis?"

"Andrea, but no thank you not now I just want to sleep, maybe later?"

"Of course Miss Andrea, whenever you're hungry just let me know. What would you like for later?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs?" Xavier lets out a little laugh and I look at him quickly, "Listen, I haven't had that in forever and-"

"Don't listen to him we'll make you whatever you want, he isn't having any." Agent Mark says


"Go show Miss Andrea her room so she can sleep, Xavier!"

He rolls his eyes and grabs my stuff. "They're worse than my parents honestly." We get to the guest room and I throw myself on the bed, "Call me if you need anything alright?"

I nod and as he turns around to leave I stop him. "Wait! Can you hand me my two bears?"

"You mean my two bears?"

"My Art and Neymar Jr!!!" He laughs and hands them to me. "Thank you. Goodnight sweet dreams."

"Goodnight sweet dreams."

"I love you." I yawn cuddling my teddy bears more

"I love you more."

"Not.. More.." I feel him kiss my forehead softly and whisper 'they'll love you I promise.' I was too tired to comment so I just smile.

"Goodnight my love."

The Lies: Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now