Chapter 23

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When I pulled away, I could still feel the fireworks.

I look down and see a missed call from Smakle. Hm I wonder why she called.


"Riley. I need to let Smakle know about us." I say rubbing circles on her cheek. She nods. And I pick up my phone.

Me: hey thanks for being there for me when I needed you. You mean a lot to me but I just wanted to let you know that Riley finally asked me out! XD

Smakle: I'm really happy for you Maya!

I smile. I knew she would be happy for me.

I turn to Riley and smile wide and she kisses me on the cheek.

"That wasn't as hard as I though it would be. She's not even mad about it." Riley chirps. She rests her head in the crook of my neck and we talk about whatever until it's time for me to go.


This sucks.

I rub my temples with my thumbs. I'm sitting on the kitchen table while my cousins fight and scream in the living room over the Wii.

Melodie, my only cousin that is my age. She walks into the kitchen for water and stares at me. My eyes are bloodshot from crying and just being physically and emotionally tired.

I swear for a second I see sadness and sympathy cross her eyes but it's all gone in a second.

"You should really stop crying." She says quietly. If she's caught talking to me, she would never hear the end of it. "Yeah, that's kind of hard." I say fiddling with my fingers. "Smakle-" she starts but hesitates. She looks out in the hallway and quickly crouched down beside my chair.

"I know what your going through. Your depressed and tired. You might think there's no point of you being here, that no one loves you. You might not even love yourself but I love you. I love you so much. I don't show it. At all but I do love you." She says her eyes beginning to tear up. I bite my lip. I hate seeing other people cry because I do it so often.

"Smakle?" She whispers. I put my head in my hands and cry. Because that's what I'm best at.


I hear footsteps come into the kitchen and hear the laughter of a couple of my cousins.

"What the hell is she crying about this time?" Jason my oldest cousin ask. I'm pushed out of my chair when I don't answer. "Why- d-do you e-even care." I say through hiccups as I sit up on the floor. They just laugh. All three of them, including Melodie.

"You should just kill yourself." My little cousin Ellie says. That hits me


Not that I don't want to kill myself.
I don't mind dying. It's just the fact that my little cousin thinks I should.

"Will you h-help me?" I ask her. She turns to my other cousins and they laugh.

I get up and walk to my room.
I turn around and see them following me.

But you don't deserve to die.

I walk to my bathroom and slam the door shut.

I love you so much.

I stand up and open the mirror cabinet and pull out a blade, my blade.
"W-what are you doing?" Ellie asks reaching for the door knob. But it's locked from the outside.

Step forward if you feel self-hatred towards yourself.

I lift up my sleeve and make a gash in my skin. Yelling out because it hurts, but I forgot how much I missed the feeling.
"SMAKLE STOP!" Jason screams.

The blood seeping out of my arm is a sort of relief.

Like all my problems are going away.

Ellie begins to cry.
I paint my skin with the blade that is my brush. I paint how I'm feeling. I should probably stop before I pass out. But I don't want to.

I'm at a point in my life where I wouldn't mind dying.

I don't want to but I definitely wouldn't mind it. I'd be free.

I want to be free.

I love you too.

I cry as random moments and quotes flood my mind.
"Sm-smakle-" I hear Melodie choke out.

Shut up, babe.

I get up and get a gun I've been hiding from the cabinet. I pull out a glove and give it to Ellie. She's shaking like crazy... They all are.
"S-smakle I'm sorry. We were kidding." Jason says. I laugh.

All the torment.

And bullying.

The teasing.


Encouraging to kill myself all these years was suddenly a joke.

I turn and hand him the gun and glove.

"Put on the glove so that when the police come. Your finger prints aren't on it." I say to him.

"Smakle you don't deserve to die!" Melodie says shaking and crying. I go over and hug her. Blood stains her clothes.

"Do it." I say. But he shakes his head. "If you do, I will forgive all of you for all the horrible things you've done to me." I say. He shakes his head again.


Maya: hey can you meet me at Dunkin Donuts so we can talk.

I stumble backwards and slam my head against the wall.

I let the darkness swallow me up.


*Endgame AU is coming to an end. But I have some questions for you guys.

Would you like another character ask including the new characters (Jessie characters and Smakle's cousins?) It will also have the old characters in it but I was just curious whether you guys would be interested in another one.

Love you. <3

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