Chapter 16

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I hear a knock on my door and my father runs in.

He rushes over to the bed.

"Maya. Oh Maya I've missed you so much." He says looking down at me. I furrow my eyebrows. "I was a good father to you right." What the hell is he talking about. Does he not remember how he knocked me unconscious and dumped me into a garbage can in an ally way? "Are you serious?" I asks rolling my eyes.

Then I realize something. He seems to be very antsy. He's not standing still. He's rocking on his feet and fiddling with his hands and appears to be very nervous.

"Are you-" I try to find the words. "High? Or something?" He's about to answer when he's interrupted by the sound of sirens. He bends down and hugs me and I try to push him off.

My friends run into the room.

"Get off of her." Zay states firmly. The sirens stop and I can hear officers talking. What is going on.

"Please no. No." My father says not letting go of me. Fear strikes through my body. As does confusion.

Three police officers march into the room and pull my father off of me.

"W-wh-" The other two officers carry him away. And one is left in the room. "We are arresting your father for child abuse, domestic violence, and the selling of illegal drugs." And with that they left.

I sat there stunned.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked again.


I was finally released from the hospital after 2 days and I was sitting up in Riley's room helping her with her math homework.

"The formula is negative b times the square root of-" I'm cut off by Riley yawning. "This is boring and stupid." She says fake yawning a second time. "Oh yeah?" I ask. She nods her head shoving her homework to the side. "And you are not a very good tutor." She says giggling. "Really? But your improved grades say otherwise." I comment. "Do they really?"

With that I attack her with tickles. I know she is very ticklish. I smile as the sound of her laughter fills the room. We both fall off the bed dying with laughter. I blush when I realize that I'm straddling her waist. She doesn't seem to realize for she is still laughing.

I turn her head so that she's facing me and lean down and kiss her.

I immediately feel fireworks as she kisses me back. My hands in her hair and hers on my back.

I'm surprised when she licks my lips for entrance.

Of course I give it.

And our tongues explore each other's. I pull back to take a breath but she pulls me back down only to deepen the kiss. It feels amazing kissing her. I smile against her lips and feel her do the same.

The door opens and we roll off of each other, both bright red with blush and embarrassment.

"Dinner is almost ready." My brother says before closing the door again.

I look over at Riley who is biting her lip and staring back at me.

"That was-"I am interrupted. "hot?" We both laugh.

"You know I've never kissed anyone like that before." Riley states. I nod in agreement. "Me either." She scoots over to me and lays her head on my lap.

I trace her lips and she licks my finger.

"Riley!" I screech and we both laugh.

"Hey. Can I tell you something?" She says. I nod. "I like you... A lot." She says biting her lip. "Yeah, I-" I pause. "Yeah I know. You're dating Smakle." Riley says sounding disappointed and upset. "Riley. I like you too. I like both of you. A lot. I just- like her more I guess." I say and she nods turning so that her face is facing my stomach. She lifts up my shirt a bit and I gasp.

"Your an outie. That's cool." She says playing with my belly button causing me to blush like wild. She looks up at me and smirks. "Then let's just be make out buddies or something." She says going back to playing with my belly button. I can't even talk for I am way too flustered.

She leans forward and licks my belly button. "R-Riley." I choke out. My face is red and my throat is tied up. She laughs and proceeds to licking my stomach. I gasp feeling my face growing hot.

She rolls off of me and stands up.

"Dinner is almost ready." She says and walks out the door.

What. Was. That?

I try to calm down but I am still very flustered. I go to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water.

Then proceeded into the kitchen.

*this one was a little shorter. My friend came up with the idea for this chapter.
Also I just started writing another fanfic called They Call Me... which is based on the album Crybaby by Melanie Martinez. I would really appreciate if you guys could check it out. Thanks!*

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