Chapter 17

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I roll off of Maya reluctantly and head into the kitchen.

"We helped make dinner today." Auggie tells me as I take a seat at the table. "By we he means that he watched tv until the food was ready." Michael says and we all laugh as the two boys play fight.

"Where's Maya?" My dad asks. I look down at my plate and blush. "In the umm room." I say. I can feel my mom's eyes on me but I ignore them. Just then Maya takes a seat at the table next to me and we begin eating dinner.


"It was really weird they just took him out the room. And he was clinging onto me I was so scared." Maya tells Topanga about what happened at the hospital a couple days ago. "Oh my. Did they say for how long he's locked up?" She asks. We both shake our heads. She thinks for a second. "How about this? I'll figure it out and get back to you. We don't need him anywhere near you. Especially not after what he did to you. The hospital made a mistake calling him to come in without informing you before hand. We could sue them if we wanted to." She says smiling which causes us to laugh.

There's a knock on the front door. I frown as I know exactly who it is.

"I'll get it!" We hear two little boys scream from in the living room. "No I said I'll get it." We laugh as we walk out into the living room.


We walk into the living room and Auggie and Michael open the door and let me mother in. Michael stands there stunned. I had told him that we would be going to live with her and he was really excited. But when she left he was really young, only 4 years old. Ever since my mom and I got back in contact, we've been FaveTiming so that she could get to know Riley and her family and reacquaint with Michael. Seeing her again must be a big deal- a really big deal for him.

"Mom!?" He says and jumps up into her arms. I smile. I love seeing him happy. "Hey Michael." She says, tears in her eyes. She looks up and sees me and walks over to give me a hug with Michael still in her arms.

"Topanga!" Mother says as she reaches out to shake Topanga's hand but gets pulled into a hug instead. "Matthews!" She says reaching out her hand. Me. Matthews shakes it but pulls her into a hug anyways.

"How about you guys go pack, yeah. Leave us grown ups to talk." We all groan and roll our eyes.

I make my way to Riley's room but she just stands in the doorway. "What's wrong?" I ask walking back over to her.

She closes the door.

"Your leaving." She says looking down at the ground. Then it hits me. I'm leaving.


Going to the other side of town.

Away from the first people to make me happy in a couple years.

Away from the amazing school I attend.

Away from the friends I've made.

"Oh." I say looking dos as well rocking on my heels. I smile and look up quickly. "I'll come and sleep over Friday through Sunday. How about that?" I say. She lifts up her head and smiles. "Sounds nice. At least now I have something to look forward on the weekends." I blush and go to pack my stuff.

*for anyone who is confused. When Riley saved Maya that day from the dumpster, Mr. Matthew and Topanga eventually took Maya and Michael clothes shopping for new clothes and shoes. I wanted to include this but it didn't really fit anywhere.*

How was I supposed to tell the rest?

'Oh hey! So I'm moving to the other side of town. Adíos.' I don't know. I'll figure it out.

What am I going to tell Smakle? Will we have to break-

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Okay hurry but girly there is lots of traffic today." Topanga says and immediately closes the door. I quickly text the group chat and turn my phone off because I know my notifications will blow up.

I stand up with my suitcases and walk to the door.

I turn around and give Riley a hug. When I pull back she's too quick and crashes her lips onto mine. I'm slightly taken back by her action but instantly melt under her touch and the kiss. I start losing breathe, the kiss only deepens.

When we pull back I can still feel the fireworks and sparks of the kiss.

"I- I'll help you." Riley says and takes one suitcase and we head out her door.

Both of our faces flustered.

We walk into the living room. I say my goodbyes and thank Topanga and Mr. Matthew for housing and taking care of my little brother and I. When the others turn to start and carry the suitcase to the hallways elevator.

Riley and I share one last kiss.

Then we both make our way to the elevator. The adults help to pack the suitcases into the trunk of my mom's 2016 Ford Taurus. Woah this car is nice.

"I'll call you. And text you." I say. "FaceTime?" She asks smirking. I roll my eyes. "Yeah sure." My mom gets into the car. "Alright kiddos lets go!" She calls. "Bye guys." I say giving hugs to everyone. "Bye Auggie. I'm going to miss you the most." I say squatting down to hug him. I hear mock scoff and look up and laugh at Riley.

I stand up and hug her. "Bye babe." She says in my ear and I hear her gasp. "S-sorry I-" she starts to apologize but I laugh. "It's okay Riles." I kiss her on the cheek subtly, so not to draw attention. Then I walk into the back seat of the car with Michael.

We wave bye.

And drive off.

*i apologize for any grammar errors in this chapter. I felt bad for not updating so as soon as I wrote it I decided to publish without proofreading to get a chapter out.*

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