Chapter 10

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*So I just realized that I've been spelling Smackle's name wrong this whole time... It's spelt Smackle but I've been spelling it Smakle because that's what my phone auto corrected it to. So I honestly might use both ways so please don't be mad at me.*


I make my way out the door and down the street to the park. It's about 15 minutes from my house. I try not to blush as I think about how anxious I was to know whether or not Maya was going to the park with us. I think I might-

"Hey dork." Lucas playfully messes up my hair. I roll my eyes at him. "Hey jerk." I push him and he nearly falls in the street. I laugh as I fix my hair and push my glasses up onto my nose. "What do you think about Maya?" His question catches me off guard. Does he all of a sudden care about her? Because yesterday showed otherwise. I clear my throat. "Um. Why?" I ask. I'm still confused as to why he cares what I think about her.

"Why are you hesitating? All I asked was a simple question. What do you think about Maya?" He asks again. I bite my lip. There is so much I want to say but I don't know how to. Or whether I should. "She's okay. It's sad what happened to her and her little brother." I say. Phew. That wasn't too bad. I didn't say anything that would lead him to think I like Maya. "Good because for a second I thought you were stupid." I wince at his choice of wording. "What do you mean?" He laughs and shoves me slightly. "Smakle you're a really smart girl and I would never picture you becoming friends with someone like Maya."

What the hell? This boy was really starting to get on my nerves. How could he say something like that?

"She's a downer. Positive people like you do not need to surround yourself with people like her." I stop walking and stand in front of him. "What do you mean 'people like her'?" I ask trying not to sound too defensive. "People who think badly about themselves and constantly are in doubt of themselves. They only bring negative vibes." I sigh and continue to walk. What he is saying is- I really hate to admit it- somewhat right.

But that's not going to stop me from liking her.

As we approach the park Maya and Riley are sitting on a bench under neath a tree. I huff by accident and Lucas chuckles. "What are you huffing and puffing about?" I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Oh no. What if he finds out I like her. "It's a little hot." I say and quickly make my way over to the girls before he asks anymore questions. "You like Maya." He says quietly. I stop in my tracks and can instantly feel my cheeks flare up. I immediately realize what stopping would show him... That I do like Maya. I can't think right. How does he know? "Hey let's make a deal?" I turn to look up at him as he continues talking. "I know things about you. I know things about Maya. I won't tell anyone. Under one condition." I bite my lip. I have to agree or else he could literally tell the whole school. As a pretty, popular boy he has a lot of influence over the student body. Especially our grade.



"I'm glad Michael is starting to make friends at Auggie's school." Riley says with a huge grin on her face. I smile. It's cute how much she cares about my brother as if he is her own.

"Oh look! Her comes Smakle!" I say standing up a little too quickly. "And Lucas!" I add trying to mimic the excitement I had in my voice when I said Smakle's name. Riley runs up to Lucas and he lifts her up and spins her around. I laugh when I hear her laughing her head off. She has such a beautiful laugh.

Smackle walks up to me with a weird expression on her face.

She's forcing a smile.

I know a forced smile anywhere. Considering the fact that I had to fake a smile for most of my life.

I walk up and pull her into a hug. I hear her sigh. I was right. Something's wrong.

"What's wrong Chipmunk." I say lifting her head up so that I can see her face. She's blushing. "Chipmunk?" We both laugh. "Nothing. I'm-" her voice trails off. If I know Smakle I know that she doesn't like to lie. "You can trust me." I try to reassure her. "He puts that fake smile back on. "No no it's okay. I'm just tired." She says. Just when I'm about to ask more questions we see Zay heading our way. He looks down. "Ooo. I ship it." He says with a huge smile on his face.

I'm confused at first until I look down and see that Smakle and I are holding hands...

I look up at her and can see that we are both blushing... Hard. We stay away from each other and I stare down at the ground. I let out an awkward laugh and can see Smakle rocking on her feet.

I hear other laughs. Except.. One sounds bitter and fake. I want to look up to see who it is but I need to calm down first. "Where's Farkle?" I ask trying to change the subject. "He's out with some people from the science club." Zay answers. He sounds... upset? "Yeah, I was actually supposed to go on the trip too." Smakle says. "Why didn't you?" Lucas asks walking closer to the group. I'm still looking down at my feet. I fear that it I even glance at Smackle, my face might flare up.

"I didn't want to." She says as she kicks a rock around on the ground. He laughs. I look up to see that Zay and Riley are also looking down. "That's not a-" I interrupt him. "Shut up Lucas." I roll my eyes.

Then they widen as I came to a realization.

Lucas is what is causing Smakle to feel upset. He must have said something too her.

"So Riley! What did you have planned for us today?" Vanessa says as she makes her way over to the group looping her arm into Zay's. He nearly shrugs her off but catches himself.

Zay has been really distant from Vanessa these past couple weeks but she doesn't seem to be noticing it.


We take our seats in the theatre. It was Lucas' idea.

No one can stop him.

If I say something... He might trigger me. If Smakle says something... He might make her upset. Zay and Riley have been quiet for the most part. It's just Vanessa and Lucas who are really talking.

"Shut up." I say as the lights start to dim.

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