She twisted the crispy cigarette in her fingers ,forced his mouth open and shoved it in. She watched in awe as the tiny flame from the cigarettes burned

tiny puncture holes in the mans neck that began to bleed. Enticed she leaned down and greedily sucked the blood from the wounds. He squirmed under her trying to get help disrupting her. Growing angry she reached for the knife in her back pocket and stabbed him in the chest. He cried out in unbearable anguish as she yanked it out only to stab him again....and again. Warm blood splattered her face and clothes, it pooled under them staining the truckers clothes and her legs. The blood only spurned her on as she continued to stab him until blood flowed freely from his mouth. His pleas for help became nothing more than gurgle cries as his body came to a painful stop and he became still.

She laughed evilly on pleasure bending down and tonguing the blood from his dead lips; she lapped it up like a ecstatic puppy. The metallic taste teased her senses creating a rush through her body.

"Oh my Gosh!" A woman's voice rang out disrupting her taste. She growled angrily turning to see a woman with a work best on standing terrified. She grinned evilly with blood on her lips, wrenching out the knife she stalked toward her. The woman backed away horrified screaming

"Kate! Kate! Call the police!" she opened the door walking backwards in only to bump in to a strong chest. She screamed as masculine arms wrapped around her securely holding her in place.

"No! Please don't!" She screamed hysterically. Raven approached the woman with the knife raised above her head. Her eyes connected with the man holding the woman by the neck- her brother Jax. Jax winked at her then shoved a knife deep into the women's back making her scream. She laughed thrusting the knife down into the women's chest. The woman spat blood in her face before Jax carelessly dropped her body onto the floor. They stood there for a minute staring at each other in extremes happiness. Jax placed his hands on the side of her face and carefully licked all the blood away from her face. She repaid the favor by licking the blood off his fingers then licking her own knife clean before sticking it back in her pocket. He cleaned his knife off before sticking it in his own pocket.

Jax was much taller than her and older than her by three years. It was easy to see that they were siblings by the same dark hair and green eyes. He had muscled build that attracted many and his skin was pale and alluring like hers.

"There were two women where's the other one?" She asked and he pointed behind the counter. She glanced over to see the other woman scared, tied up and streaked with tiny bits of blood.

"She's a fighter father will like that"he said dangerously and she nodded in agreement father liked the ones that put up a fight all more fun for later.

"Let's get going moving before daylight comes" he said grabbing the tied up girl and hoisting her to our car. He dumped her in the trunk of the black Chevy then went to help Raven collect the other bodies. They threw them inside the trunk with the girl who was balling her eyes out and muttering unintelligibly under the tape across her mouth.

"You drive the truck and follow me" Jax told her and she nodded walking back towards the truck while he got in the car. She climbed inside, turned the keys that were in the ignition and followed Jax back home.


Home was a three story house that had been abandon outside of town where they lived for now; Hackensack New Jersey. People rarely traveled down their desolate road and if they did they never made it far. She followed Jax closely with the lights dimmed down as they approached the house, turning into the rusty gate they parked in the back of the house. She parked further in towards the woods where it couldn't be seen easily, hopped out and strode over to Jax to help him with the bodies.

Jax roughly yanked the screaming out of the trunk. She tried to hit him with her tied up hands but Jax easily knocked her down with one punch that had the woman's cheek swollen and bruised already.

"Pathetic!" Raven laughed dragging the two dead bodies inside the house; she was strong enough for this. Upon entering the house she casually dropped the bodies onto the clean wooden floor and yelled at the top of her lungs.

"We're Home!"

Hurried footsteps descended down the stairs. Her cousin Billy entered first, he was a distant relative who wanted to partake on their killing spree and they accepted him happily; he was family. Mother entered after him her curly brown hair trimmed to her neck and bouncing with every step. Lastly Father Came downstairs with a sadistic grin plastered on his pale face. His hair was slicked back with tinge of grays on the side; his build was similar to Jax's because they worked out occasionally. Billy was more concerned with eating then working out. Jax dragged the terrified women onto the floor without a care and gave Raven a tiny squeeze making her smile.

"What's her name?" Mother squeaked innocently leaning over to help the crying woman sit up. She adjusted her into a comfortable position, slowly removed the tape then wiped some of the blood from her forehead.

"What's your name?" she asked once more her voice dripping with sweetness. The woman sniffled staring daggers at her and everyone in the room.

"Fuck you!" she screamed loudly shocking everyone in the room. Raven tensed to strike her but mother held her back.

"It's okay Raven" she said with a calm eerie smile plastered on her face. She leaned in close to the woman's neck and viscously bit into her skin ripping away a chunk leaving a bloody gaping wound. The piece of tan skin was hanging from her mouth still dripping as she slurped it up, chewed then swallowed. The girl let out an ear piercing scream and didn't stop screaming even as Billy, Father and Jax dragged her down in the basement. Raven glanced over at her mother who was wiping the blood off of her lips then turned to her and smiled gently.

From the outside you would never suspect that her mother was a bloodthirsty killer with an appetite for killing young men and women just like her.

"Raven you and your brother did good tonight go on up and rest angel" mother said and she nodded giving her mother a kiss on the cheek before heading up stairs to shower and get ready for bed.


The steam washed away any remnants of the remainder blood and the steam helped to refocus her thoughts. She didn't bother to dry her wet hair, just climbed into bed and laid staring at the ceiling. She always did this after a kill; there was never any emotions the urge would leave but it would always come back. Sometimes the killings replayed in her head like a beautiful horror movie but each time she did she wanted a new one a new kill.

The door to her room opened with a quiet cringe as Jax walked in and tossed something in her direction. It landed softly on the bed next to her, she picked it up and smiled. It was the truckers lighter from earlier; the one he had been admiring so much that she almost hadn't wanted to kill him anymore....well almost. She looked up to thank him but he closed the door as he left. She sighed happily clutching the lighter in her hand. She should really get some sleep tomorrow was hunting night.

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