Club Minx

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"CLUB MINX. NOW!" I snapped when I walked through the hall of our apartment. We owned the whole floor we were on so I didn't give a shit who heard me screaming. Zyler poked his head out of his room as did Jonah when i was struggling with my keys in the door. I finally got in and they followed after me.

"Aiden what the hell is going on?" Jonah snapped.

"I met this guy today and he's my mate!" I squealed.

Jonah and Zyler's jaw both dropped as they watched me throw my bag on the ground. "What?"

"I found him guys! I told you he was here. I knew it! I felt it!" I cheered. "He is kind of short but still so built and he has these eye that are so cold and blue it just gives me chill. It's like Five gum. The Cobalt kind? Man. And he has this scar but it's so sexy."

"What's his name?" Zyler asked as Rixon walked in.

I opened my mouth and then stopped. "I really don't know."

"You didn't think to ask?" Jonah asked with a snort.

"Well see I crashed into him," I explained. "I knew he was my mate and kept asking him out for coffee but he was playing all macho and shit. It was hot."

"Yes we get that," Zy said.

"But you didn't get the guys name?" Jonah said.

"I was busy celebrating the fact that i found my mate," I whined. They all rolled their eyes as I yanked my black shirt over my head. I ran into my room, tripping as I yanked my shoes off and threw them. I yanked my jeans off next as they all followed me. Stellar was probably at work. He had managed to snag a job in construction when we first got here and now he is a manager.

"Why are you getting undressed like that?" Rixon said as he laughed. He was dressed in his work clothes too, working with Stellar but he got off earlier. He was wearing his blue contracts so his eyes looked normal so I knew he must have just gotten off.

"We are going to Club Minx," I said as I yanked out the tightest pair of black skinny jeans I owned with rips on the knees. I slid on some tan boots and then stared into my closet. I yanked out a red, loose, plaid shirt with all the buttons but two undone. I pulled on a cross necklace because why not and then yanked my hair tie out before messing my hair up. I looked over at them and smiled.

"Damn, Aiden. Kill him, why don't you," Rixon cheered. Zyler glared at him and I watched them talk mentally. "I love you, princess." Rixon kissed his nose and Zy smiled making me smile as Jonah pouted.

"Stellar gets off in twenty minutes. Calm that ass down," I said. I messed with my hair some more before addressing my team. "You need to all get dressed. Now. He said he was going to be there and I plan on making the most of it."

They all groaned but walked out of my apartment as I grinned at myself.

Gonna make this boy fall in love with me.

* * *

The club was in full swing for it being only eight at night. I was already buzzing with excitement as I watched all the flashing lights and the people dancing. Jonah was attached to Stellar and Rixon was holding onto Zyler but i paid no mind as I used my sense to see if my mate was around.

I came up empty but paid no mind as I ran toward a empty booth in the back corner of the place. They followed and I bounced in my seat as a hot waitress came up to our table. "Hi, what can I get you?" she asked as she smiled at me.

"Can I get a strawberry slam?" I asked as I showed her my I.D. she wrote it down as I looked around waiting to feel when my mate came in but my eyes caught with a stranger. He was tall, dark, and handsome. I grinned and batted my eyelashes causing him to stand up and tell his friends something.

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