This Ain't Over...

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Welp. Here Creator-Senpai is again, back with the Mettaton fanfic BUT...didn't I say that the last chapter would be the last? *tips hat* Well, just know that I'm making this chapter for a bit of a reason my lovelies. It's a bit of a bonus for you, but it'll help me with something else. This song gives me so many feels...


"So, when's the last time you saw Mettaton?" I asked, looking over at Napstablook. We were at Grillby's, and I was having my usual bottle of ketchup while Napstablook was staring down a chocolate milkshake. He looked like he was so uncomfortable in his new body.

"He made a public apology to the Underground, then told me that he was heading over to Alphys'. It's really crazy what happened." Blooky said, finally sipping his milkshake. I nodded solemnly.

"Deep down, he is still a ghost, even if he is possessing a robot body. That ghost can still feel." I pointed out. "We should go pay (y/n) a visit. Did you bring a copy of your mixtape?" He blushed and fiddled with his thumbs.

"O-Oh, it's probably terrible. It's only the second copy...I'm listening to the original." He said pulling out a small CD from his hoodie. "She's still staying at the MTT Resort, right?" I twitched a little at the mention of her staying there. It made me uneasy that she wanted to after the whole ordeal. I sighed and finally nodded at Blooky.

"So...are you like that forever?" Blooky asked, looking at me. "Human?"

"I guess so. Gaster is dead, so no one knows how to reverse this. Alphys is probably trying to wrap her head around it herself. But hey, I'm not complaining." I said shrugging. I pulled out a few bills and laid them on the counter, then smiled at Napstablook.

"Let's go talk to Alphys. She can probably help that body of yours too."


"Alphys? It's Sans and Blooky. We brought back a Glamburger for you...but Blooky ate it on the way." I said, knocking on her door. We had arrived at the lab, a familiar song playing from Blooky's headphones. Normally we would've walked, but I wanted to make sure Mettaton was here.

"Sorry...I was hungry..." Napstablook said, rubbing his metallic stomach. "Bodies are weird." I knocked on her lab door again, but there was no response. I got a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Maybe I should haunt it." Blooky said. He floated himself into my arms and I stood there numbly.

"Hold my body for a second." He said, looking at me. His ghostly form escaped and the full weight of his body nearly broke my arms as I struggled to keep it my arms. He took his headphones and phased through the door. I used my telekinesis to hold his body and sighed a breath of relief, teleporting inside of the lab.

"Oooooooo...." Napstablook said, floating around. "Alphys, I'm haaauuuunting yooooouuuu..."

"Damn it Napstablook..." I said, looking around. "Can you see her anywhere?"

"Oooo...O-Oh...uh-oh..." Blooky said. He rammed back into his robotic body and floated over to me.

"S-Sans...I-I have some bad news..." Napstablook said, holding out a note to me. My eyes widened as I slowly took it from him.

"Dear Sans,

Well darling, it was fun pretending to get along with you, but enough is enough. I have (y/n) now, and as you can see, I've done away with Alphys as well. There's no point in acting like I care about you. I've escaped across the barrier now; by the time you've read this letter, I'll be too far for you to take her away again.

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