I'm Not All Into Robots...

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I'm sorry I haven't done anything daily, midterms are here and I can't take work and fanfics at the same time. EXAMS APPROACH!!!...let's get on with the story.


I yawn and take off all of my accessories, putting my guitar on the ground and laying on the love seat they had provided me. My mind was still buzzing from the performance, but I had this nagging suspicion over me that something really crappy was going to happen tonight. But how? It was opening night for me, which is pretty great if you think about it.

What could go wrong?

I heard my stomach growl and I flipped over, holding my gut. It sounded like a whale's mating call. Who could blame it? All I had before the performance were a bunch of Temmie Flakes, which had apparently done nothing to solve my hunger issues. I sighed, blowing a bang out of my face. I was supposed to go to Grillby's with Sans, but he called after the performance that after seeing me on TV Papyrus wanted to make me spaghetti. I heard a knock on the door, inwardly groaning. I didn't want to be bothered right now, I was just too lazy to move right now.

"Who is it?"
"It's Mettaton darling. I wanted to apologize for the way I was behaving before you went onstage. It was very unprofessional of me to talk to you in that manner." 

At least he was being mature about it.

I rolled off of the couch and went to the door, gradually opening it. As soon as I did, he wrapped his robot arms around me and held me tight. His metal exterior was cold and kind of uncomfortable, but I could tell he meant it. I tried to hug him back without shivering.

"Oh (y/n)! Do forgive me! I never meant to harm you in any way! I was just afraid you were going to take my fans away from me! I didn't mean it, I swear!" He cried out. I blinked a few times, patting his back. How do you comfort an over-fabulous robot? 

"Umm, it's okay Mettaton, really!" I said, moving away from him a bit. I went back over to my couch and invited him to sit. He graciously accepted it and smiled at me.

"So darling, you have to tell me about your style! I've never heard such a thing before, it's so wonderful!" He said happily. I shrugged. "I've always liked the music I play. I can really just feel it, the way my fingers glide across the guitar strings and hear the beat. I can just feel it inside." I told him. My stomach growled and I blushed a little, clutching my stomach. Mettaton laughed. 

"You have to eat? I keep forgetting, you're a human." He said. "I'll get Alphys to send something in. But while we wait, let's have a bit of an interview, hm?" I grinned. Anything to make this less awkward. He was on edge about something, but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. He crossed his legs and looked at me.

"(y/n), would you date a robot?" He asked. I shrugged. "Probably not. I mean, it sounds like some obsessive sci-fi thing that I'm really just not into. I'm not all that into robots." I told him. His eyebrow twitched and I flinched. What the hell was going on?

"What did...you...say?" 

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