I Want You

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[This song's from the Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt soundtrack. If you haven't seen the anime, you totally should watch it]

(maybe some bonus chapters in the future, but not really. Maybe a non-fanfic yandere soon...)


"Take it easy Mettaton...jeez, Gaster really did a number on your new body." Alphys said, opening my chest and turning on a flashlight. We were back in Alphys' lab, where I was under constant surveillance and on lockdown until my next performance. I was sitting on an examination table while dear Alphys was fiddling around inside of my chest.

"A lot of wires are out of place. Maybe that's what caused you to malfunction and go after (y/n)." She pointed out. I stared at her blankly. It wasn't a malfunction. All of my feelings toward (y/n) were no sort of programming. Behind the clumsy metal body I once had was a SOUL, and I still have it in this form.

You can't program a SOUL.
You can't program DETERMINATION.
You can't program LOVE.

"You think my affection was just faulty wiring?" I asked her.

"I-I'm not saying THAT...it's just that maybe your understanding of romance might be slightly off. I mean, it's not okay to kidnap and drug others Mettaton." Alphys said. "It's like when you transferred bodies something triggered in your SOUL."

"It wasn't kidnapping Alphys. I was only looking out for her. I know what's best for (y/n)." I said smiling. "She said it herself, she was lost in the Underground. I gave her food. Shelter. Company. What's so wrong with giving my dear (y/n) what she deserved?" Alphys looked at me, a stunned look in her eyes. She shook her head and forced a smile to her lips.

"I-I know...I'll j-just wipe some of your m-mental circuits..." She said, getting a syringe. "N-Now, you'll feel a slight p—"

"I don't think so darling. You clearly don't understand that I'M what's best for (y/n)...not Sans, not Papyrus, not Undyne, not Napstablook, NOT ANYONE BUT ME." I told her angrily. I took the syringe from her and I saw tears well up in her eyes. I chuckled at myself, covering my eye. It sparked and sputtered.

"It's a shame Alphys, I really did like you as a friend. Too bad it had to end this way." I said, jamming the syringe into her neck. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she fell to the ground, numb. I sighed and closed my chest, moving down from the table and putting my shirt back on. I stared at Alphys for a brief moment, then walked out the door, heading to MTT resort.


"Sure you're going to be okay here kid?" Sans asked. "You know there's always space at my place. You're always welcome to crash with us until this whole situation blows over." I nodded, holding my guitar close to me. Having it near me made me feel secure or something.

"I'm fine Sans. Don't worry about me. Alphys is going to be with Mettaton, so there's nothing to worry about." I said to him.

"Just...um...make sure you can hold your alcohol this time."

"Hey! I'm not as think as you drunk I am!"


"Okay okay, I'm going. Take care little sis."

I opened the door and turned on the lights, humming my performance song from earlier. I sighed and laid flat on my bed, closing my eyes.

"It's funny, you know?"

I shot up at the sound of a familiar voice, breathing heavily. I looked all around the room, but nothing. I got off the bed and picked up my guitar, holding it by the neck like a weapon.

"Sans?" I called out. "It's not funny. You'd better not pull a Fazbear and jumpscare me!"

"Sans? Oh darling, Sans is long gone. Home with his little Skelebro. So we're here alone. As I was saying, it's funny. I emphasize over and over that I'll never let you go, but you keep thinking that I'll just release you because that lazy sack of bones comes for me. Oh no. Because I know somewhere where he'll never find us."

"M-Mettaton! P-Please, leave me alone! I just want to stay here! I'm just fine here! I can take care of myself."

"Tsk tsk (y/n), you don't know what's best for you. I do. So I'm taking you where no monster can get us...the surface. The only thing in my way is Asgore and your...'big brother'. Hm. Looks like they'll just have a bad time."

"Mettaton no! I don't want this! I don't care what you want!"

"(y/n). I'm a star. I get whatever I want. Do you know what I want darling?"

I felt arms roughly pull me close as a cloth was pressed against my mouth and face. My guitar fell to the ground with a loud thud as the world blurred around me. Tears slid down my cheeks as I felt his lips against my neck.

"I. Want. You."

AND THUS ENDS THIS STORY...THANKS FOR ALL THE READS AND JUNK, ITS NOT REALLY A CLIFFHANGER ITS PRETTY IMPLIED THAT METTA HAS YOU FOREVER. So long story short, Mettaton takes you across the barrier and no one can ever find you.

*Knowing that you might never escape Mettaton...it takes away your DETERMINATION.

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