Mettaton's Partner

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[I love this remix, it's by Kamex on YouTube. Check her out!]

"You okay kiddo? She didn't hurt you, did she?" Sans asked. He was human now, just like Mettaton. It was strange, but I was just happy to see the both of them. I moved my hand from my cheek and saw where the blood had collected on my hand.

"Just a scratch. I'm fine, really." I told them. Mettaton's eyebrow twitched and he gently took the side of my face, inspecting the small wound. His eyes remained closed for a moment.

"She. Marked. You." Mettaton growled. "M-Mettaton..." Sans began, sounding kind of nervous. "I think you should just calm down." "Y-Y-Yeah Metta." I stammered. Mettaton turned around to face Chara, who was just watching with that sick smile of hers. He flipped up his hood and a red aura surrounded him.

"Sans. Go find Gaster. This one's mine." Mettaton growled. "On it." Sans said. "Take care (y/n). If he falls apart, you gotta help him pick of the pieces, got that?" I nodded quickly and he disappeared. One by one, Mettaton started to step closer to Chara. It made me nervous, honestly.

"(y/n) is mine. Mine ALONE. And you had the nerve to take her away from me. I was going to just let her kidnapper go with a few broken limbs. But...YOU. MARKED. HER. For that, I'll do you one favor:" Mettaton said. He laughed evilly and pulled out not a knife, but a short-bladed sword from his sleeve. Was this even Mettaton anymore? Some glitch in his programming?

"I'll dismember you." He spat. "Drain you of your blood. Slice you to bloody bits until there's nothing left to bleed. Gouge your eyes out. Listen to the beautiful melody of your cries for help and pleas for mercy. I'll make your death..."

He brandished his blade and pointed it to Chara.


He charged at Chara with everything in him, leaving a burst of wind trying to blow me back. His blade met hers, but something strange happened.

Her blade began to glow red and vibrate.

"Just when you thought you had the upper hand, here I am. Human. With a SOUL." Mettaton said. "WITH DETERMINATION!" She looked scared. Like a confused little kid, but timelines of past that Sans had told me about ensured she was anything but that.

Mettaton hit her with the handle of his blade and she was sent flying back into the screen. I took a deep breath and swiped the blood off of my cheek. I knew I had to help him.

*Helping Mettaton win this fight fills you with DETERMINATION.

I ran over to the scene just as Chara fell to the ground. She quickly stood up and pointed her knife again.

"You're going to have to try a lot harder than that!" She yelled. "Timeline after timeline, I've destroyed this world, over and over until there was nothing left. It was the absolute. I won't let some anomaly come and ruin it!" "Anomaly? Just what are you taking about?" I demanded. Mettaton shook his head and clapped his hands twice, two stone hands rose up and grabbed one arm of Chara's.

"You're not Frisk. You're not supposed to be here! You ruined it with some slim chance!" Chara yelled. Mettaton's hands began to pull apart, stretching out Chara. She began to smile evilly, staring directly into his eyes. I took a deep breath and approached Chara. A tear slid down her cheek, but I just stood there, numbly.

I didn't know who Frisk was.
I didn't really care if they were dead or alive.
I knew what I really had to do now.

I reached into my pocket and found something of old times' past and held it above my head. Silence echoed in the room as I felt all of my emotion dissipate into nothing. A smirk appeared on my lips as I slashed at her just like she did at me, except this time, Chara had nowhere to run.

But no.
Something stopped me.
"This isn't the way to do it (y/n)."

I froze, the rush of emotions returning to my body. My hand shook and the knife fell to the ground. What just happened?

"S-Sans? H-How?" I asked. A tear slid down my cheek. He chuckled softly. "You're my little sis. I have to protect you." Sans said. "You're bigger than this. Chara is destruction. You're life. This is just what she wants." I turned away from Chara and walked off. Sans followed me, but looked back at Mettaton for a moment.

"Mettaton? You coming?" Sans asked. He stood there for a moment, staring blankly at Chara. He put away his blade, sighing.

"What did you do with Gaster?" Mettaton asked. "Don't worry about it. Lets just say he had a bad time." Sans said. Mettaton looked up at Chara. "This fear...remember it when you want to take my (y/n) from me." He said. They both walked off, leaving her there in Mettaton's trap. She would find her way out, but they would be waiting.



I'll try to make Sans' chapter soon, but I hope you guys like the story so far. I love to hear from you guys, so remember to comment, okay? 'Preciate it!


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