Why? I didn't accept the rejection? Why isn't it there? Where are the sparks?

I wanted the answers to this. Even Drew didn't understand it in the slightest, which was slightly unnerving for me to know.

All of a sudden, a brighter light flickered on, dimly lighting the room, illuminating it just enough that I could see Ari sitting across from me.

Her appearance shocked me.

She was thin like she wasn't eating enough. I remember when we first met, she had such a small stomach. She could barely handle a small plateful of food or two small slices of Margherita pizza. Eventually, with my pushing and kindly pressurizing her to eat more, we got her stomach twice as large as before, roughly to the size of an average human. Dark circles were stuck under her eyes, showing that she might not have gotten enough sleep during the time they spent apart. She had nothing of his with her, all he had was a small t-shirt of hers with her scent all over it. It comforted him in the darkest of times when all he wanted was to curl up next to her, kiss her a lot, and then fall into a peaceful sleep with her. More scars littered her broken body, some on her wrists...

My heart broke at the thought her doing that to herself. She hurt herself because he wasn't there to comfort her or wipe her tears away.

I should have gotten to her sooner. I would have helped her sooner. We could be out of here by now. We could have been together. We could have mated, and she would have finally known that I was madly in love with her...

"Ari..." He whimpered, still eyeing her scars. "I'm so sorry, Ari. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm such a dick. I'm so sorry."

"Why?" Her voice was raspy from the lack of water, yet still so heavenly. "Why are you apologizing? I should be the one apologizing! If I hadn't rejected you, if I wasn't so weak, if I had fought Freya off more, you wouldn't have mated with another wolf and-"

"What? Mate with another wolf? Are you crazy? Why would I do that? Why would I do that when all I want is to mate with you and finally have a peaceful life together? Why would I do such a cruel and terrible thing to you? Why would I create a fake, meaningless bond with some bitch when I could have a beautiful, real Luna with me? Why would I do that when I could have you?"

My wolf was going insane at the thought of mating with a different wolf, so crazy that he wanted to mark her and mate her right on the spot. He then continued with wild thoughts, wild thoughts consuming him about mating her and how good it would feel to finally have her-

Drew! Stop it!

But he didn't. Instead, he commented on how beautiful she looked at this point, mentioning how he wouldn't stop until he claimed her as his once and for all.

Abruptly, a whimper escaped Ariel's mouth. She was holding it in. She must have been muffling it so he didn't hear it.

Inhaling deeply, I sniffed the air, trying to locate any hints as to what was wrong with her. And I caught the clue.

She was in heat.

Hastily, I went to her. I wrapped my arms around her, cocooning her in comfort and relief from her heat. It would only last a little while until we were out of here and could finally mate.

Obviously, Drew was going crazy at the thought of that. He wanted to ravish our mate right now. I wouldn't blame him, every little thing she does is beginning to get to me and turns me on.

Eventually, after Goddess knows how much time, Ariel got out of her heat. We lay there embracing for some time, enjoying the company we gave each other.

It was quiet. For once, there was peace surrounding us. And we enjoyed it while it lasted. We enjoyed the company we gave each other. We enjoyed that, for once in our lives, there was a slight hint of peace in the world. If only for a little while, there was peace. And it was heavenly.


The ground shook, something thundering above us. The walls trembled, dirt falling like something was caving in. It sounded like hoofbeats. Thousands of them. But when you think hoofbeats, you shouldn't think of zebras or horses.

I wonder what it is?

I looked at Ariel in my arms, only to see that she had curled into a ball in the corner of the room. I could feel her fear, some of our bond being repaired as I held her in my arms only moments ago. I only wished to take that fear away from her. I tried soothing her, only to fail. But it was until she started screaming that I tried even harder.

"Ari! Ari, look at me! You're okay! You're safe with me! It's okay! It's okay! You're okay! It's okay..." I took her into my arms again, hugging her for a little while as she cried in fear. It broke my heart to see her like this. It was one of the things I never wanted to see happen to my beautiful Ari again.


Moonlight crept in through an opening door. Behind it followed the last person we'd want to see. Ariel cowered in fear at the sight of Freya. Noticing this, Freya stepped towards her. She was about to take Ari out and away from me, until...

"No! Take me instead!" I blurted out.

"Really? You would do that for her, after all, that she's ever done for you?"

I looked at Ariel when I answered truthfully.

"Yes. Yes, I would do that for her."

Yet again, Freya smiled that ridiculously evil smile again. She came towards my side of the cell, opening it and taking me out of it.

"No!" Ariel screamed at that.

"Ariel, look at me. I'll be fine, okay? I promise you that. Listen to me, you'll be okay. You need to get out of here as fast as possible for me, yeah? Try to, or wait for someone from our pack to find you," I told her. "And if it happens, that when we're fighting, that I die..."

I broke off, my heartbreaking at the thought of dying and leaving her forever. She was upset too, she kept shaking her head at the idea of it.

"If I die, you have to move on. I'll let you move on. You don't need to worry about me. You need to stay strong for me. For us. You need to move on... And find a good wolf for you... One that... One that will treat you much better than I ever did."

With that, he kissed her briefly, the sparks erupting like a volcano. Their lips met in a short, sweet goodbye kiss, sparks tangling bittersweetly until they broke apart, Freya dragging me away.

I'll try and come back to you, Ari. I'll try my hardest...


Wolfie: Soooooo that was interesting.

Lexi: We hate you.

Rob: We really do.

Ella: Bitch.

Wolfie: You all say this but it's not like you can do anything about it.

All: True.

Wolfie: Anyways...I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! See you on Friday with the next update! 

Question: Do you think anyone will die?

My Answer: 😊😇😉😋😈😈😈🐾🦌🦌🦌🦌🦊🐺🐺🦄


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