And speaking of the blonde , he also texted me a second after his tweet.

From LukelovesPenguinsmorethanyou :
Are you home?

I furrowed  my eyebrows wondering why he would ask me that question.
But I answered him anyway telling him I was heading home in a few minutes .

He didn't reply after that which made me even more confused.

"Omg do you think he ' s at your house?!" I jumped when hearing someone over my shoulder but calmed down once I realized it was my cousin.

I shook my head . "Luke's on tour . He can't just get back to San Francisco like that . "

Sabrina nodded and said " Well looks like you just need to find out what he means then. Oh and text me immediately after!"

She hugged me and walked back towards her car , leaving me alone in the city .

I waked back to my house in the quiet streets of my favorite city still thinking of the blue eyed boy.

When I arrived in front of my porch I was quite nervous . I didn't know what to expect.

I opened my front door that creaked and stepped in my house. It looked way smaller after living with Damian...

I turned on the light and I saw something right by my feet.

It was a bouquet of blood red roses. I smiled the biggest smile in a long time and picked up the flowers.

They smelled really good . I immediately put them in a vase on the table of my kitchen so they wouldn't die . 

Right when I took the roses out I found a note.
I opened it carefully and read what it said.

Dear Isabella,

These roses are for you. I honestly don't know if you even like these flowers but I took a wild guess ... All girls like roses right?
So yeah , I really hope you like them and I kinda miss your cute little smile .
Can't wait to see you soon.
(In 21 days )
Oh and Calum gave me your address if you were wondering. I'm not a stalker ;-)

Love ,
Luke xx
P.S. LUKE 'S DISGUSTINGLY ROMANTIC EWW - Michael , yo favorite.

I freaking love these boys . Like all of them. Luke was just so sweet and romantic and he sent butterflies all over my stomach .

And Michael had me laughing out loud like a crazy person.

I smiled like a fool for a couple more minutes , but then I thought about Calum. Did he know Luke sent these? Was he jealous or completely over me?

Cause I sure as hell wasn't over him. All though Luke was helping trying to forget about the kiwi boy.

To LukeylovesPenguinsmorethanyou :
I love the flowers , Lukey . Seriously the sweetest thing anyone has ever done to me. Thank you so much xx. Oh and I miss you too.

I took a picture of my bouquet that looked beautiful in the black vase and decided to post it on Twitter.


Sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me . Wow. Thanks L. <3
*Picture attachment*

My phone blew up immediately after I tweeted. Confused I looked at my Twitter and then remembered that I got sorta 'famous' on there cause all the 5sos boys had followed me.

I started reading the comments and smiled at all the 'aww's . But one comment got me in particular.


So first pictures of this girl and Calum walking around and now these flowers from a certain 'L' . We all know it's Luke. Stop being a slut and fucking all the poor boys.

My heart dropped . No one had ever been so mean to me in my life. Well , no one ever called me a slut .

That tweet got 56 likes and a lot of people were all saying how right that girl was.

And what the hell were the pictures of me and Calum ?

I looked up 'Calum Hood and girlfriend' and found out that the first picture was of us . We were getting out of the taxi the night of our second date . It was before Calum and I fought . And I saw his big happy smile that warmed my heart.

I wasn't going to let these jealous and mean 'fans' going to bring me down. They knew nothing about me. And plus who was the one who met all of 5sos and was friends with them ? Me . 

And right that second I got a text from Luke.

From LukeylovesPenguinmorethanyou : 

I 'm happy you like them , cutie. See you in a few days. :-)

I grinned . Yeah , all those girls were just jealous.

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