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Butch hadn't really been looking forward to dropping her off but it seemed like he had no other choice. He had gotten to meet her sisters (Blossom the 'stupid bitchy girl who has like some sort of sister complex) one, and Bubbles the 'i love bunnies and ponies so much rainbows come out of my mouth!') and of course the over protective father (who had threatened him the entire time only to see that Butch, could in fact, carry a VERY heavy couch.) 

After leaving he went home. By now Boomer and Brick must be trying to untie their panties from bunching up. He sighed, rolling his eyes just thinking about the shit Brick was gonna give him. Despite being the oldest it seemed like it was Brick who was the older one. Not only that Boomer was also WAY over protective. So much so that only a half a year ago he stopped following Butch into the bathroom (claiming that he can fall and injure himself or accidentally slip out the window or the mirror might explode and stab Butch all over.)

He rolled his eyes again, setting his mouth in a firm line. He noticed he was quite far from his house, hell even the sun started to set by the time he got there it'd probably be midnight or something. How annoying! He shook his head and sighed walking down the deserted sidewalk. Actually the streets seemed deserted, like everyone had suddenly flown up into the air and disappeared. Damn these people sure did sleep early. He trudged down the sidewalk and took a few corners, already feeling tiredness seep into him. Between finding buttercup, getting his ass kicked and having to carry her home it was all so exhausting !-

His fist clenched, feeling his teeth grinded together. Those damn assholes are really going to get it. They're going to die. He hadn't noticed that the sky was completely dark, beautiful stars portrayed in the sky. He muttered curses under his breath before coming to a complete stop. "Hostage?" he muttered putting a hand on his chin. She mentioned that. There was no way those weak ass idiots were ALL able to get the jump on her. Unless they had the upper hand somehow. His eyebrows furrowed remembering what she had told him. 

"They took one of my friends ''hostage'' so i could save him. Either i let them beat me up for an entire week or they'd hurt him. I couldn't let my friend get hurt.." 

She didn't mean that brown-headed-wanna-be-Buttercup-match was it? Why in the hell would she even let herself get hurt for him? "Tch, what a dumb-ass." he growled. He sighed and continued his way home. Of course before he saw a shadow in the corner of his eye. He turned in head. The shadow continued to move down the opposite side and way that Butch did. It was probably a punk about his age, however he couldn't exactly tell. However his eyes didn't trail away as the shadow was about to walk by a street light. 

And when he did, Butch got the biggest surprise ever.

It had turned out to be Mitch Mitchellson (who wouldn't fucking name their kid that?) Butch's eyes widened as a gasp had escaped his lips. The hell is he doing here so late? It seems like Mitch had noticed him or something because he stop directly underneath the light. His head whipped around to meet Butch's striking forest green eyes. Neither of them moved a muscle, only staring at each other as if they were gonna tear their throats apart. 

His fists (for the hundredth time, if he were counting) clenched. This time, instead of letting his chance slip by, he started taking slow ominous steps towards the brunet. The boy didn't flinch, his gaze however drifted down to the ground, as if ashamed. And he should be. Not one. Not a single one. Butch had noted. Each step he took toward the boy he noticed. Not a single scratched was put on him. Not one. While Buttercup had a broken rib, a wounded shoulder, and cuts, scratches and bruises all around her body.

Now he was starting to get really pissed. The brunet boy slightly flinched under his gaze but stayed put nonetheless. As Butch finally reached him they stood face to face. Eye to eye. Butch was getting so worked up just by looking at him! But it seemed Mitch was too. The fire in the boy's eyes seemed to hold so much anger and jealousy. And same for Butch too it seemed. 

It was down right annoying. "Tell me where the hell you were." One of Mitch's eyebrows twitched, his glared hardening a bit more. "I don't have to tell you shit." The boy spat. Anger arose inside the green-eyed boy and before he had a chance to stop himself, not that he'd want to anyway, he slammed the other boy into the wall. His hand clutched onto his shirt, wrinkling it up and nearly ripping it off. "LIKE HELL YOU WON'T!" Butch growled. His fangs barred out, almost giving Mitch the impression that he was about to be eaten.

"I suggest you start talking now asshole!" Butch cursed, tightening his grip on the boys shirt. Mitch panicked a bit, his right hand holding onto Butch's own, doing his best to try and get him off. "Shut up it isn't your concern! Buttercup means more to me than you could understand! You had no right to come and ruin our lives!" The boys outrageous cry rung in Butch's ear. No, he did have a right to come. He did have a right to fall in love with her. He did have a right to be with her. "Like hell i don't! I love her, and i can tell she has feeling for me! I'm not going to let you tell me otherwise!"

"I do! Especially when it was your fault she got hurt!"

/Kupid's Kiss /Butchercup//COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now