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His face was practically burning at the memory of his kiss with the feisty green-eyed girl. The kiss was heated, surely good enough to express his feelings towards her. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe it was too rushed. Maybe he shouldn't have been so rough. Or maybe he should've been rougher.

He shook his head, incredulously. No way, he was a kissing master. That kiss was enough to make her not walk straight. Right? What if it wasn't? What if- he sighed. God damn Butch, it's been a week, you need to chill out.

It has been a week. And a long one too. Since he had kissed her she had been avoiding him, hiding in the stalls and  running away. And when he managed to talk to her she would either ignore or yell at him. That's not the only problem, that jackals

 Mitch Mitchellson had also gotten closer to Buttercup. He was there when she walked to school, he was there when she left. He couldn't get her and much less alone. It was frustrating. And it was even more whenever Mitch had seen him trying to talk to Buttercup.

He would constantly give him a glare or a smug smirk. Oh how he would love to punch that smug smirk right off his face. See how smug he is after that.
So that's how the week had gone. He hadn't gotten any closer to Buttercup and that kiss didn't help either, apparently.

Nervously he ran his hand through his hair. God damn! He couldn't relax for even a second. He had to admit his feeling to her and she'd obviously say yes to being his girlfriend, right? Right? Of course! Butch jumped up from his bed, quickly throwing on some clothes he rushed down stairs and quickly ate breakfast, surprisingly only finding Brick there. 

Brick raised his eyebrows skeptically. "Your up early."....."What did you do?" Butch frantically waved his arms, "I didn't do anything!" Brick scoffed, slightly waving the kitchen knife in his hand in front of Butch's face. "If i find out you duck taped Boomer to the toilet seat again, i'll murder you." Butch rolled his eyes. Grabbing his empty plate he ditched them in the sink and ran out the door.

"See you later!"


Half the day had gone by and he hadn't seen her in sight. Was she absent? Where the hell was she? Was she still avoiding him? Annoyed, tired, and still feeling the urge to tell her all his feelings. And the day he decides to, she decides not to come to school. Man. God must have it out for him. 

The end of lunch was nearing and still no sign of her. He walked out of the school and looked around (Again) by the baseball field. Nope. Near the back of the school? Nope. Was she even at school today?? He didn't know. He only took a step before the bell had rung, meaning it was time for his 5th period class. Great, he had that class with her. 

He rushed to the halls, avoiding bumping into people. "Wai-" before his brain could process anything, his arm shot out and hand grabbed someone else's arm, forcefully spinning them around. 

The girls raven hair flew around and her bright green eyes met his. They both paused before. All of the students had scattered away already, leaving them alone in the empty hallway. She struggled to escape from his grip and her eyes did not meet once with his. He was sincerely confused. Why was she acting like this? 

"Hey, buttface! Let me go!" She struggled weakly. It was almost like she was using her might against him. And yet for some reason her struggling had no effect on him. Just a week ago, she sent him plummeting to the ground with a small punch and now she was trying her hardest and she could do anything? "Hey! I'm trying to tell you somethi- will you stop trying to hit me like a three-year old and send me into the stratosphere already!? Whats the matter with you?"

She turned her head to the side, letting her hair cover up her face. "Why the hell do you care!? Why don't you stay out of my business!?" And once again she tried struggling out. Butch however, noticed that she hadn't made eye contact with him the entire time. "Oi what the hell is wrong with your face?" He let one of her wrists go and grabbed her chin, turning her to face him. 

Butch suddenly felt the intense feeling of anger and rage inside of him as he saw the giant purple bruise on the side of her lips. It was swollen, probably recent and crappily covered up with make up. And then he noticed it too. She was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and long baggy pants. It was way too hot for her to wear something like that. His eyes trailed down to her arms. 

Buttercup's eyes widened in realization and she tried pushing him away. "Let go!" He ignored her and raised her sleeves up to see cuts and bruises covering her arm. "What the fuck?" Buttercup stopped struggling and instead looked helplessly to the ground. She couldn't see Butch's hands clench to the point that he was bleeding, or that his face had held more rage than he did the last time he saved her. "Who did this?" 

"They took one of my friends ''hostage'' so i could save him. Either i let them beat me up for an entire week or they'd hurt him. I couldn't let my friend get hurt.." She looked at him from under her eye-lashes. "I didn't ask why, i ask who." She glared at him. "It doesn't concern you! Besides he's free and those guys won't bother me any more! Don't go starting trouble!" He gripped her hand tighter, making the girl flinch. "I asked who." She bit her lip. 

"The Gang Green Gang."

/Kupid's Kiss /Butchercup//COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now