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Butch growled as he felt the millions of eyes stare down at him. He heard their chatter, giggles, and whimpers of fear each time he took a single step. Stupid kids. His frowned deepened and he glared at all of them. Why are there like millions of kids in a hallway? 

He watched as they scattered to the sides to avoid him, unintentionally making him a path. He kept hearing their annoying squawking and finally figured that he had enough. With one hard stomp, he got them all silent. He watched them as they started backing away in fear.

 His eyes darkened and he glared at them, ''What the shit do you want?'' and once he finished that sentence, each student took off running, their poor hearts nearly exploding. Just as he had finished the bell had rung, the start of his second period class. 

He pushed his hand into his pocket and ruffled around until he had fished out a ruined piece of paper. he opened it up and saw that his next class was in the other side of the building. 

Shit, he thought as his eyes looked at the empty hallway. I guess i coulda' asked one about where this class is. He scoffed, stuffing his hands into his pockets and walked out the hall.

The school was pretty big, compared to most, yet it was not the best for it's reputation and students. Students such as Butch, or worse than him. 

They had a large yard in the front of the school, where the gates were often opened. A single path running between it ( two rows of cherry blossom tree's on either side of the path.) and into the middle part of the school which was the largest. Connected to it's sides were two other tall skyscraper like buildings. 

The rest was field, flower patches and grass. Around the field was a large orange brick wall that protected the school. It was a pretty nice school, way better than Butch had expected it to be. 

He groaned, as he took twist and turns throughout the school (blame his horrible sense of direction. He's gotten lost in his own house.) and ended up in the right building. 

He stood outside his door and waited. He heard the teacher calling out names, meaning role-call. He kept waiting for the (annoying) teacher to call his name to go in after.

 He waited and waited, his various positions of resting changing.  How many fucking kids were in that class!? He finally heard his name being called and he rested his and on the door (It's like a sliding door.) 

''Butch Jojo?'' 

''Butch Jojo? Absent.'' he slammed open the door. 

He watched as each and every eye had turned fully on him and he held himself back from smirking at the attention. ''I'm here.'' he said, walking past the teacher and taking the desk at the far right back, next to a window. (There are window walls on both sides of the room.)

He heard the teacher give him a snarky scoff and she continued on Not a bad view. His eyes trailed down to see a class, physical education no doubt. It seemed there were two separate teams, females and males. 

Plain white shirts, and red shorts for the males. How lame. His eyes trailed over to the girls, they had also worn plain white shirts, but instead of shorts they wore bloomers. 

They were all formed two squares, a single coach in front of them. His eyes watched as the boys were dragged off into another field, not in his vision, while he watched the girl run. They ran over hurtles, and in laps. 

However, he noticed one girl in particular. She had long black hair, and instead of following with the p.e uniform she wore a white shirt and dark green shorts. It didn't seem like she was older than him, and she wasn't that bad looking either. 

As close as he could see, she had a nice round face, nice creamy light brown skin (lighter than a brown paper bag.) and the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen! (They were better than his!) 

Unbeknownst to Butch, his face was filled with curiosity, loosing up his 'dark aura' that had been scaring other students. A light blush settled on his cheeks. He looked like a child filled with amazement of discovering something new. 

Not a bad view. 


Butch groaned in agony as he held his head. Brick stood in front of him, glaring down his red orbs. Boomer stood behind the tree and winced, his face contorted in pain;  if he got the blow. 

The boy groaned, bending close to the ground in his crisscross position. ''The hell man!?'' Butch shouted, a small tear at the corner of his eye, his teeth grinding in hurt and anger. ''What i do this time!?'' 

It was their lunchtime, three neat lunch boxes (made by Mama Brick~)  sat next to each boy, three pairs of chopsticks over each box. Brick sat cross-legged, his hands on his knee's as he leaned forward in anger. ''Don't think i didn't hear about the little entrance you made today at each class! Butch what the hell, man!? Your not supposed to drag attention!''

Boomer stuffed a piece of sushi into his mouth, his eyes moving from Brick to Butch, listening to their argument. ''I came didn't i?! What's the big deal?'' Butch narrowed his eyes, stealing a small octopus from Brick's box, he dodged his brothers chopstick attack as swallowed.

''You don't-!''

Brick tried to swipe his food from Butch, his hand swinging towards his head. Butch Dodged. And again the green-eyed boy had stolen more food.


Swipe, dodge. Brick felt a vein pop watching as his brother ate his food. 

Swipe, dodge. ''GAH-!''

''Rules!'' Brick finished, watching as Butch yelp in agony as the rock had fallen out of his mouth. Boomer flinched and held his cheek. ''Geez man.'' 

/Kupid's Kiss /Butchercup//COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now