Part Three

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For the next few years, his children and wife grew older, but he remained the same.

Questions were beginning to be asked, and he had no idea how to answer them.

His hope was fading, and so was his family.

The first of his sons were already finding wives.

His daughter was almost ten, and yet he remained the same.

He had finally contacted his family in secrecy, and he voice wavered when England suggested something after they met in a town not too far away.

"America, I know you can't die, and I know you couldn't bare to watch them past, so there is only one thing you must do." He said quietly.

America waited. "What?" He asked.

"You must fake your own death to keep the countries secret safe." England said as America froze.

"....Why." America asked softly.

"I'm sure you know." England said in a definite yet soft tone.

All America could do was stand there.

His heart broke at the few words that his own father said, and he knew it was the only way.

He imagined his wife and children standing over his casket, and him staying completely still.

He let a tear fell quietly, and England brought him into a hug.

"It's going to be okay..." He murmured as America shook with grief.

"How? How the hell is it gonna be okay England?! I have to leave my own family for this! How is this gonna be okay?!" He said in anguish as he wiped away the many tears the steamed down his face.

England hugged his son, "You knew it was going to happen sometime America..." He murmured and America continued to shake with grief.

America pushed England away gently and turned around.

England watched him go with sadness.

"Bye dad..." America said softly and took the carriage back to his home town.


It wasn't long until his second son's wedding.

His first son was already married, to a nice girl from another town over.

They were already expecting their first child, and America couldn't be more happy for them.

Although, time was pure evil to America, and as soon as his first son was married, rumours were going around the town that America was cursed with some sort of spell that made him immortal.

Oh, he was cursed alright, but not from a witch.

From being a country.


America looked down at his beautiful sleeping wife, and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

He sighed and went to the door, and took one last look upon her, and left.

He walked out into the cold, November day.

He sighed as wiped the tears away, and thought things over.

He could pretend to kill himself, but what good with that do?

It wouldn't have accomplished much, he couldn't die either way.

As he thought, and thought, and thought, something hit him like a brick.


"I've never been sick before...." He muttered under his breath.

He looked down at his reflection in a unfrozen patch of water and studied it.

He imagined himself sunken faced, his cheekbones showing, with large dark patches under his eyes.

He also saw himself weak, which America despised the most, because he hasn't ever been weak in his whole life.

He shook his head and headed back to the house rather quickly, and thought about the wonderful memories he had with his family.

He began to tear up a little and walked to Amelia's room quietly.

He watched his not-so little girl sleep, and smiled.

He kissed her forehead and went back to his and Karolina's room.


He practiced coughing, and began to disguise himself.

You see, a country has a special power, beside immortality, to pretend to die once humans began to suspect.

They always came back of course, almost like the Doctor from Doctor Who, how he can regenerate.

Yet, the country's take a year to finally come back, and that's when usually their weakest points in their country's, so the others take over their country for them.

America kissed his wife one last time, and began to slowly 'die.'

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