Part One

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"Hey Dad?" America asked Britain as he sat down for supper as always, and waited patiently.

Britain smiled, "Yes America?" He said as he put the god-awful food on plates, (America never noticed of course.)

"How come everyone has a special someone? I want someone like that." America said grinning and Britain tensed.

"Like who?" Britain asked gripping the spatula tightly, and to his worst worry that America has finally reached that 'stage.'

"All those humans have a family, how come I haven't had one yet? I'm old enough now bro..." He muttered and Britain relaxed but became sad.

"Well know we're all very different from those humans..." Britain started.

"Dude I know, but still...." America muttered.

"Let me continue, now, I can't stop you from loving someone, trust me, I know, but loving a human girl.....You of all people know the consequences to that." Britain said as he handed America his food.

America nodded, "Sure. I know, but I still don't get why I can't...." America said and bit on a chip.

Britain smiled, "Love is a wonderful thing, but it can be horrible as well, once it takes it end." Britain stated, and America shook his head.

"Love doesn't always end, like you and France. You absolutely hate him but you said it yourself, you can't help but love Dad." America smirked and Britain blushed.

"Wanker. I know you have a point, but still, you need to focus on what happens if you do find that special someone...." Britain said and sat down, and began to eat as well.

America sighed, "Yeah, but I want to do something with my life then just build up my country. I want to invent things, and have a family. I know of the consequences Dad, and I know it doesn't always last, but I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life...." America said sadly and Britain walked over and hugged him.

"America, you know you're never alone. I understand you want to find love, and I know you will...." Britain said and let go.

"But I don't want to wait anymore.." America muttered and Britain thought for a moment.

"Okay." Britain said and America looked up.


"Okay. I give you my permission. You have at least fifty years or eighty...." Britain said and America jumped up suddenly.

He koala hugged Britain and Britain stood there awkwardly.

America let go and ran up to his room to pack.

"I can't believe I'm doing this...!" America said excitedly and ran down the stairs quickly.

"I'll be back very soon!" America said hopping up and down and Britain hugged him with a smile, yet sadness was in his voice for America.

"I know. I love you my little git." He muttered and America grinned.

"Love you too, tell Mattie and Dad I'll be back soon!" He said and Britain let go, and watched him leave with a heavy heart.


America had bought a carriage and began to direct the horses as fast as they could go.

He drove for miles on end; even if he had no idea where he was going.

He knew he was close, because he felt something in his heart.

Love for someone.

He didn't knew who yet, but he felt she was close.

America had driven all the way from England to Sweden in only a few days.

He was very, very excited.

Luckily, ever since America was little, Britain had taught him all the languages of the countries of the world.

He smiled to himself and found himself in a little town.

He took his carriage and horses to a stable and walked around the town in wonder.

"It's 1826..." America thought to himself.

"So, I have to find her before she's gone." He muttered.

He was talking about how the men will marry women who could provide for them and such.

America wasn't like that kind of person.

He'd provide for her, and give her anything she needed.


He continued to walk down the street and smiled to himself.

He looked around at all the pretty girls who were here.

He smiled at them, but it didn't exactly feel right.

He sighed sadly as he continued to walk around the strange town, and went to a hotel.

He had rented a room and waited in the lounge, and to his surprise and to his amazement, he saw her.

She was absolutely captivating.

Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she laughed at the bartenders joke.

He watched her dreamingly until he realized she was about to leave.

He fumbled out of the chair and hurried after the mystery girl, and breathed in and out.

He followed her down the street and took out his wallet.

"Excuse me Miss." He said as he poked her shoulder.

She spun around and smiled, "Yes sir?" She asked.

"I think you may have dropped this." He murmured and she studied the wallet.

She shook her head;

"Oh I'm afraid that isn't mine sir." She said politely.

"Oh, I see, well, I'm sorry to disturb you..." He said and began to walk away.

"Oh no! No you didn't disturb me sir." She said and caught his arm.

He turned around and smiled, "Oh good, well!, it's nice to meet you. What's your name?" He asked and she gave the most beautiful smile he has ever seen.

"Karolina Andriette Ahlsell." She said and curtsied.

He grinned and introduced himself as well.

"Ame- I mean, Alfred." He said and bowed.

She giggled and it sounded like Bells to America.

"And what is your last name, Alfred?" She asked and he tried to think of something quick.

He looked around and thought for a moment.

"People think of me as a hero.... Brave and noble..." He thought to himself and snapped as an idea of a last name came to him.

"Nobel. I'm Alfred Nobel." He said and she smiled.

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