One shot- The beginning

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Thank you to @soldier_of_moon for giving me this idea.
In case you don't follow me, I hit 100 followers! Thank you! So to celebrate, I'm doing a one shot about how Ford found out about halvas. Please enjoy!


After I graduated from college, I needed to find assistance for my research. I needed someone who had an interest in the paranormal and especially does not make mistakes on their calculations. Not to mention silly mistakes.

I heard of college students from the University of Wisconsin were making a portal to the 'Ghost Zone'. Apparently this is where ghosts come from. I have never seen a ghost, but I had to check out their project. It would be good to get someone with experience to help me out.

As I entered science room 101, I saw three college students. Two men and one woman. One man was a big while the other had a smaller build. The woman had reddish brown hair and had a medium build. They were huddled around a small machine. In my opinion it was tiny, you could barely fit your head inside of it. I made a note in my mind to make mine huge. Well at least big enough to fit a person.

They were in their own little world, so they did not notice my entrance. I sat down in a chair by the back wall.

I saw them about to turn on the ghost portal. The skinny young man leaned into the portal then Bam! He got face full of light. Well, it was only later that I found out that wasn't light, it was some type of ectoplasmic beam.

The young man turned around to show terrible acne. I heard young people have terrible acne, but that was ridiculous. His brown hair was turned gray.

I immediately called the hospital. The friend rushed around him, unsure what to do. I stayed out of the way.

        I followed the ambulance as it rushed the young man to the hospital. I don't know why I felt bad, it wasn't like I made them make that portal. I just so happened to be there. I should make a mental note not to let anyone (including myself) get too close to a turned on portal. I should have a safety line or something.


He was out for days. Sadly, Doctors couldn't do anything about the terrible acne. I checked up on him every day. It was by the sixth day, he was awake.

When he saw me, he looked so alarmed. "Who are you?" He asked.

"Stanford Pines, I was at the portal accident. Now tell me, who are you?" I replied.

"You come to visit me in a hospital, but don't even know my name, dude? It's Vlad Masters." He told me worriedly. "Why is Maddie? And Jack?"

"Oh, your friends. I haven't seen them, but I'm sure they visited you." I answered.

                  Vlad got out of bed, but as he did he ripped off many medical things of him. Vlad seemed surprisingly strong for someone bed ridden for almost a week.

                   "Lay back down. " I ordered. He didn't seem to hear me. Instead he continued walking then he changed. Literally. Two blue hoops appeared, it made his grey hair black and eyes a pupil less red. Vlad was surprisingly wearing a suit with a cape. Honestly I don't know where he got it from.

He was just floating there for a few minutes. Just thinking, I guess. I was just staring at him, wondering what to say and what to do.

Finally Vlad said, "I'm half ghost, I know it. I'm a monster aren't I?" He didn't seem phased by it, he just stated it as if he was stating the weather.

I didn't respond, I didn't want to respond. I thought I was a freak. Six fingers gave you a spot in the freak show, but half ghost makes you a science experiment.

                    "Why were you there?" He whispered.

                      "I wanted to make a portal myself. Not to the ghost zone, but a portal all the same." I responded cautiously.

                      "Why are you still here? Leave!" Vlad ordered and shouted. When I still didn't move, he turned around. He's pupil less red eyes where suddenly scary. "Didn't you hear me? Leave!"

                     I left, no ran. As I ran out of his room, Vlad screamed, "you better hope, I don't ever see you again. "

                      Every time I encountered a ghost since Vlad (ten times), I asked them about him. The first four never heard of him, but by the fifth time the ghost gave me some information. Every time it was the same, yes there were a half ghost (also known as halva), but really nothing else. Ghost really didn't care about stuff unless it was about them.

                       So when I encountered Danny, it was a big surprise. Then again I haven't kept up with the ghost gossip yet, you know being stuck in another dimension and stuff. Well, Danny and Dani proves that it's possible to become half ghost. I wonder if it has to do with their environment or genetics, I have to do more research.


                    What do you think? I'm pretty proud of myself. Please comment!!

                   I'm doing this role play that takes place in the ghost zone (yes it's Danny Phantom themed). It's about the King Pariah's son raising to the throne. Should he after all the damage he's father has done? There's a war brewing. The Ghost War. The book is called The Ghost War. Rules and forms will be up later tonight. Please join!!

Thank you guys so much!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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