"What happened to you?" Liam descended the stairs, looking at Harry's weary face as the blood dried on it by now.

"Justin created an anti-fox field. I need your help." Harry brushed it off and got straight into the point.

"Justin? The Helper Justin?" Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes. Justin The Helper. Now, can you turn a human for me?" Harry asked, his shoulders bent forward in anticipation.

"I'm afraid I'm in no position." Liam declined, shaking his head to the floor and Harry's shoulders sank back frustratingly.

"There must be someone who owes me anything." Harry thought aloud, running a hand through his hair.

"You know a Master won't really owe you anything, but wrong me if I say, you were friends with that -pardon my language- blood-sucking pipsqueak. I believe he's the Master now." Liam said.

"Right. How could've I forgotten? Liam thank you so much. I know they're your enemies but do you happen to know by any means where's their kingdom?" Harry asked desperately, sure he wouldn't be able to Google maps this one.

"I may have an idea, Kent forests. I don't know how you can infiltrate through their shield though." Liam said, scribbling the precise address on a piece of paper. Harry sensed in his pocket for this shield penetration potion he'd done before to get through Zayn's shield. His pockets were empty.

Wrong coat. He left the one with the potion in David's apartment.

"Be right back." Harry mindlessly snapped his fingers and was, within mere seconds, standing in David's living room. Fortunate to him, Mia remained unseen and thus unaware of his arrival. He spotted his coat and took the potion and faded away, re-appearing in Liam's mansion.

"Shield problem solved." Harry said, waving the potion so that Liam sees it.

"Good, now the address." Liam said, handing Harry the small piece of paper that would rescue David.

"Thank you, Thank you so much." Harry sincerely rendered thanks, immediately teleporting to where the paper indicated.

He hasn't been here for a while, he didn't think the Vampires were where he left them about 80 years ago. The Kent woods were dense and thick, even thicker than the last time he's been there. That's how they liked to prey, unseen and quick.

He struggled through the trees, yet unable to see any towering mansions or palaces, he walked further, his soul-less eyes roaming obliviously like the eyes of a human.

The trees are getting more different now, they're entirely blocking any passage through. Only a person with an axe can get through. And the night was dark, he couldn't pass neither see what's ahead of him. Awesome choice for a den.

But to outdo who? Harry was a Gamer, Harry can do just about everything. So, as means to develop his skills, he focused all his energy on how much he wanted those thick ivy jungles dead and out of his way, and slowly as ever, black ink was covering his eyes, entirely. Parallel to the leaves that were dying relentlessly before him. They cleared his way and he saw the shield surrounding the Vamp-kingdom.

With his eyes back to slightly darker green, he walked victoriously into the path he produced for himself, out of death. He stopped right in front of the shield and shamelessly -as the Vampires inside saw him, and he saw them- drank the potion and was lured inside, deceiving the shield.

"Intruder!" A man pointed at Harry, and so traditionally ran towards him in an attack.

"Don't bore me, I need your Master." Harry said cockily before the running man could reach him.

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