Chapter 17

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A 5-year old boy with a tux on,
A man in a suit by his side,
Both ready to cross the street,
The man's phone rang and he dropped the kid's hand,
The kid wanders off....
A silver Toyota vios speeding up,
The driver high,
The passenger screaming his lungs out, yelling
The man in the suit, his head tilted away from the kid.
He paid no attention to the scene.

General POV.

A day passed. Mia was still grim and Dave was suffering a conflict about the Observer's offer to kill Harry. And what was right and what was wrong to do in this weird incoherent situation.

"Em?" He started, looking away from his book, his vision hazy from the concentration on the thin font of the book.

"Yes." She replied glancing at him.

"What happened?" He sighed frustratingly.

"I told you. I was taking a nap-" She started but he cut her off.

"No, That's not what I mean. Why aren't you talking? What are you thinking? What happened? You're so quiet and you're...... I don't know, Mia. You're just not you."

"I don't know." She murmured.

David huffed and was about to burst when a voice made him freeze.

"Bathroom, now." He knew the voice. Deep, British and demanding.


He gulped and glanced over to Mia who was thankfully oblivious to his sudden pale face and alarmed expression.

"I'm going to use the toilet." He announced and stood up, cautiously walked to bathroom, entered and locked the door behind him.

Harry was already in the mirror, his face calm and collected and commanding.

"What?" David asked a bit creeped out.

A zillion questions and scenarios were playing in his brain. Did Harry know David agreed to help the Observer kill him? Did he want David to admit it? Was he gonna kill David? Suffocate him? Send metal cards flying through his eyes? Slaughter him?

"You what?" Harry said coolly.

David shook his head and narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"You called to me yesterday. I heard you but I'm sorry, I had something to do. So, How can I help you?" Harry smiled crossing his arms.

David took a few moments recollecting and recalling what he wanted before this Observer showed up the day before.

"I-uh.... I wanted to ask you if you've talked to Mia since last time." He asked hoping Harry wouldn't lie.

"No. She didn't call out and I didn't show up either, why do you ask?" Harry spoke casually with a shrug.

"I don't know. She's off lately. Can you help loosen her up?" David desperately wanted Mia to at least talk to him.

"I'm the cause of her state, you really think I can get her to loosen up?" Harry said and David rolled his eyes.

"I apologize to myself for making me go through this stupid ass conversation with stupid ass you." David said turning to the door when Harry said:

"I'll see what I could do. Anything else?" He said fitting his hands in his pockets.

"Actually yes," David turned back to face him.

That was it. That was a moment of truth. He owed it to Harry after all. Harry hadn't tried to hurt them and his death was being arranged. Besides, Harry didn't look like a maniac on the leash.

"Someone came to me yesterday when I called out to you." David said.

"Who?" Harry asked almost eagerly, his eyes glinted with suspicion and the list of names in his head flashed through his eyes.

"An Observer?" David asked more than answerwd.

He then furrowed his eyes at Harry's reaction. Harry's mouth stretched in an award winning genuine smile and his eyes radiated victory.

"Was that your friend?" David guessed in reply to Harry's super happy face.

"Never smiled in his face." Harry shook his head.

"Great 'cuz he wanted me to team up with him to locate and kill you." David informed.

"And will you?" Harry questioned.

"Gladly." David flashed a cheeky grin.

"Can't blame you." Harry smiled casually.

"You are supposed to be threatened." David hinted.

"I know you won't collaborate with him, you don't want to kill me. You just want answers and Mia's safety. And don't worry, I'll give you both. Hopefully." He added the last word after contemplation.

"You better. Hurt Mia and I swear to God I'll feed you to the sharks." David warned.

"Denoted." Harry said finalizing the conversation.

David turned for the door but Harry spoke up.

"Oh and Dave, Thanks. But just so you know, this Observer's name is Josh Harrison." And with that he disappeared into a hazy deformed figure and then to complete nothingness.

David knew Harry had an urge to kill the Harrisons but whatever that was, it made Josh, the Observer feel the need to stop him.

It all made sense why Josh randomly wanted Harry dead.

But what Dave never figured out was who's right and who's wrong.


Identity revealed!!!

Our villain Josh Harrison is portrayed by the actor Alex Pettyfer ((handily picked by my lovely friend AdoreDrew))

Newwww cover!!!!!

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