Chapter 22

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General POV.

"I ask. You answer." David ordered staring aggressively at the bathroom mirror where he stood.

"I really don't see what this is all about." Harry sighed crossing his arms.


"I wouldn't exactly classify me and Josh as "buddies"" Harry shot back, provocatively.

"I.ASK.YOU.ANSWER." Insisted David.

"Alright, alright. Keep it down, Romeo." Harry said smirking and David glared at him.

"Who's Claire Rosaline?" David asked.

"Of course, out of all questions, you choo-"

"Answer it." David cut him off.

"Well, Claire Rosaline......" Harry pretended to think for a monent then continued,

"Isn't that the fraud you've met with to tell you whatever she thought a Gamer was?" Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Don't lie, Harry. You know her. I'm not a genius but let me tell you a story." David paused for dramatic effect before he continued.

"Two people meet a Gamer. They get in touch with a supposedly dead friend who turned to be a werewolf. Their friend recommends a spiritualist named Claire Rosaline and she says what a Gamer is, EXCEPT, there's no citizen of Bradford named Claire Rosaline and then the Gamer and Werewolf are spotted chatting. I know you know her. The same way I know there's something off with Scott McCall." David narrated.

"Good for you." Harry responded nonchalantly.

David became frustrated, he's been searching for impossible clues to corner Harry and the latter receives it with nonchalance.

"Last time I'm gonna say this..... Harry.... answer the question." David spoke venomously.

"Or what? Last time I checked, I was the murderer. Last time I checked, I was the Gamer." Harry said scornfully.

"You owe me some answers. I betrayed Josh for you and look where that got me. Harry, just answer the fucking question." David tried one last time even though, he was positive that the case is closed.

"Her name is Isabelle Walters. You wouldn't like to know what she does. Now excuse me, Mia is calling and I've got to go." Harry spoke quickly and with a swift snap of his fingers, he was gone.

David rushed outside to Mia. He needed more answers. The questions that Harry could answer in a split second, David would answer in weeks.

"Dave? Are you okay?" Mia asked from the kitchen where she was doing some macaroni and cheese.

"Where is he?" David asked furious.

".....Not here....?" Mia replied and David laughed maniacally.

"You didn't really call out to him." David stated more than asked.

"You really need to lie down a little." She said and led him inside.


"It's a pathetic plan!" Harry shouted.

"You can't stop me!" Zayn spat.

They were standing face to face, their faces red in rage but their fists down. Liam had given up trying to cool things off and now he was just standing aside watching.

"I CAN'T LET YOU DO THIS!" Harry yelled back.

"Why can't you trust me! It's going to work!" Zayn reasoned.

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