Chapter 25

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General POV.

"He's healed." David informed Mia, peeking his head through the door.

"Seriously?" She jumped a little bit too excitedly from the bed and raced till the resting Harry on their couch.

Harry had been passed out for a week. He healed little by little and they hesitated whether to get help or not. David tried calling Scott McCall but he was unreachable. So they left Harry on the couch and they managed to function couch-less.

Mia crouched down near his face and held his hand.

"He's not as cold as he was." She said, happiness flooding her eyes.

David nodded and put on his blazer, hence he was going to work and he dismissed himself.

Mia ate, watched TV, showered, shaved, ate again, cooked something nice for David, napped, watched TV again.

And during the show, she heard shuffling on the couch. She turned and enthusiastically squeaked when she saw Harry getting up. She attacked him in a hug and Harry dropped back on the couch from the sudden movement.

"Oh my God! Finally. You're alive." She poked his cheeks, grinning and he swatted her hand and got up.

"How long have I-"

"A week. Sharp." She replied already knowing the question.

"Harry, what happened?" She asked her eyes filled with worry at the flashback.

"This happened." Harry stepped closer until his face was inches away.

She thought they were going to kiss in reality finally.

But then, he held her necklace. The golden one he'd given her.

"It's not a golden necklace, Mia. It's the most powerful summoning spell. I was being tortured but then you held this and said my name, so I was freed from there and summoned here." He explained pulling away.

"Wait, Why were you being tortured?" She enquired.

"The Key." Harry replied.

"The Key?" She raised her eyebrows.

"So they basically tortured the guts out of you for a piece of metal?" She suggested in disbelief and Harry smiled.

"The Key; is a book. A book that-" Harry was interrupted by the door opening.

David came in sight, a little shocked that Harry was standing.

"David," Harry greeted lowering his head.

"Wake-y, wake-y princess." David greeted back with a smile.

"Okay, Harry. Do you mind giving us a second? There's something I wanna tell Mia." David excused but Harry took a challenging step forward.

"So do I." Harry defied for the first time and David raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sure your fella Gamers miss you, so..." David tried but Harry interrupted.

"I am the only Gamer." He cut him off.

"You must be hungry..." David tried again.

"I don't eat." Harry interrupted, smiling.

"Your mom must be worr-" David started but he trailed off when Harry shot him a look.

"Okay Fine, what the hell?" David gave up.

"Mia," Harry turned to Mia.

"I know there's something you wanted to ask me. And the answer is no. I stopped interfering in your dreams since I stopped the murders." Harry comforted her but that made her more panicked.

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